newt blurb

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Perhaps you wouldn't have even noticed the song if it wasn't for the piano playing a tune all too familiar, and your ears which were all too quick to catch it

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Perhaps you wouldn't have even noticed the song if it wasn't for the piano playing a tune all too familiar, and your ears which were all too quick to catch it.

Jade's playlist, you figured. There was an unspoken rule, which demanded that a certain queue — Jade's queue — would be played every Monday morning.

He practically breathed music, anyways. You remembered your chemistry class, where Jade would wear his earbuds under his beanie, and when he'd 'sneak' into the band room during your shared lunch hour.

But still, the bell was louder than the music. As was the coffee machine, and of course Jade's voice.

He called to you with a wave of his hand. Then, he chirped the famous what would you like to order? question (though with his speech patterns, it sounded much more like what can I get fer ya?)

You inched closer to the boy, and found that Jade's eyes glowed some color between bronze and honey. They've always been beautiful, something you loved, but you've never seen them in the early light like this.

"Jus' the usual?" Jade asked. He winked to you and unknowingly pulled you from your trance.

"Please," you confirmed with a small nod.

Jade chuckled again. It didn't sound like angels or music, but it was nonetheless spellbinding. His raven hair bounced as he moved, but you thought of him instead.

"Um... where's Newt?" You asked. It only took a few seconds to see that he wasn't here — probably late again.

"Oh!" Jade jumped. "Uh... I don't actually know.... He shoulda gotten here by now." He said. Jade sent a quick glance around himself, either to be sure he didn't miss Newt or to prove his point that the former was missing. Yet, as if on cue, the door rang, and in no time a patch of blond hair had scurried over to Jade, mumbling an accented "sorry".

Newt looked tired, his hair was disheveled — but if Jade noticed it he didn't say anything.

"Mornin'!" Newt called. "Sorry I'm late. I can take your order, though." He said. The boy then reached behind him. He tied his apron in a matter of seconds, and then asked the same thing Jade had, only seconds before. "The usual, I assume?"

"That'd be great," You smiled. Jade sent you a look — which you returned — before heading around to help the next customers.

"Okay," Newt said. He broke the word into two different syllables, dragging it out as he placed a lid on your drink. "That'll be $2.45."

You dug into your pocket and pulled out three bills. You told Newt to keep the change, and his face lit up. It was adorable, really. Like a kid in a candy store. Like $0.25 was the best thing on earth.

His grin may have rivaled Jade's by then, and the thought of it made you chuckle to yourself.

"Yeah, I mean... it's 25 cents." You said, though Newt just shrugged. He then tossed his hand up and saluted you with two fingers, before strolling backward.

"Newt!" You nearly called, though it was far too late. Laughing, Jade struggled to regain his balance. He took Newt's arm and shot you another wink, just before leading the blond back to his 'spot'.

You laughed at the boys, and turned around yourself to find a spot. Though, before you could sit down something else had caught your eye. It was written in sharpie, bold, where your name should have been.

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