newt one-shot

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(h/l) is hair length, (h/c) is hair color, (G/n) is Guardian/Parent name;
inspired by song above

(h/l) is hair length, (h/c) is hair color, (G/n) is Guardian/Parent name;inspired by song above—

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Newt laughed with Thomas, slightly leaning into his friend for support. Thomas laughed along, and lazily helped Newt walk.

You gave the duo a funny look, and lightly shut your locker. Walking up to them with your eyebrows furrowed, you asked,

"What's so funny?" You asked, gaining their attention.

"N-nothing." Thomas tried to say between his laughs. Needless to say, he epically failed.

Once again, you furrowed your eyebrows at the two, but let it go with a small giggle. Laughter was contagious. Especially Newt's.

Wait, what?

"Oh, luv!" Newt said to you, suddenly forgetting Thomas's joke. "I've been meaning to ask you about the dance coming up. Would you-"

"(Y/n)!" Teresa's shout echoed through the near-empty hallways. You sent Newt an apologetic look and turned to look at her. Brenda was hot on her heels.

"Mind if we steal her for a sec? Thanks!" She said, her hands resting on your shoulders, not bothering to wait for an answer. She hardly looked at Newt and Thomas before taking you away. So naturally, she hadn't noticed Thomas glaring in her direction.

Newt looked over to Thomas nervously, disappointment written across his face. He sighed and walked away with his head low. However, it didn't look nearly as pathetic as it sounded. Thomas took a few seconds to realize what just happened, but when he did he immeaditely ran over to Newt.

"Wait!" He called. Newt turned to look at his friend,


"Uh..." Thomas had to think of something quick. He hadn't expected Newt to actually stop. "Do you wanna hang out with Me and Minho tonight?" Nice save! He told himself.

Newt gave him a small smile, which Thomas hoped wasn't forced.

"Maybe," Newt said. "I got homework." He tried.

"It's Friday!" Thomas cheered, ignoring Newt's change of mood. He knew why, everyone did. Newt was deep in love.

With you.

Really, it was quite obvious-the stolen glances, the lovey-dovey sighs, his love for love songs... need I go on? Newt was madly in love, but anyone who saw it would think it's prerry one-sided.

Yet it wasn't.

You tried not to give Newt any hints that you feel the same towards him because you didn't want to hurt him. Newt just took it as 'uninterested' instead.

You weren't, though. You really like him, but you recently got out of a pretty toxic relationship with your ex-which goes unbeknownst to your friends. They (especially Newt) wanted you to break up with you ex (before they became your ex), pointing out that everything they do isn't what a significant other should be doing, but you just took it as them being overprotective friends.

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