newt drabble

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You have never understood what it mean to feel numb

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You have never understood what it mean to feel numb. Numbness was the absence of feeling. How could you feel something if you're feeling nothing?

But maybe now you finally understood it. Now, you truly felt — no, you can't feel it. You just knew that you were — numb.

You didn't feel Thomas's eyes, searching for an answer. A yell, a scream, just something from you.

You didn't feel your nails dig into your palm. You didn't feel your skin tear and you didn't feel the blood they too suddenly sported. No, you just stared straight ahead. You stared and you told yourself to keep it cool and that Thomas didn't like it any more than you did because you knew — you felt, even in your absence of feelings — that if you didn't something would happen.

Something you'd regret.

So you blamed it on WICKED. You directed every emotion — every feeling — to them, because otherwise it would have at Thomas, and you couldn't do that.


You had nothing left to lose, slashing back and forth with the dagger Newt gave to you. High on adrenalin, you sprinted towards the maze doors, and blew up the entrance, killing any guards who tried to stop you.

"Frypan!" Your voice called, hallow and vacant. "Get them out of here." You said, gesturing towards the crowd of confused people around you. "And don't follow me." You said, running back the way you came. Down the halls you ran, throwing grenades into random rooms.

That was, until you saw her.

She was talking to Thomas, who held a gun up to her head. Before he could even think to act, you hurled your knife at Ava Paige's heart. A painful reminder of what happened Chuck. Behind you, a gunshot sounded, followed by the ground sweeping you into it's arms, and Thomas's voice echoing in your ears.

Then, darkness.

And eventually, a bright light, which faded into an image of Newt, who grinned sadly, and held his arms out to you. You accepted the gesture, and let what should have been his warmth take you. But you felt nothing.

You were numb.

"C'mon, luv," Newt said. "It's time for us to rest." He led you past white gates, and there stood everyone from your life in the Glade. Everyone who you thought was dead.

"Welcome home, (Y/n)." Alby said with the same sad smile Newt had.

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