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Newton's words echoed through your head

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Newton's words echoed through your head. What did he mean? Could he actually like you, a peasant? A liar and traitor to his own kingdom?

"Y/n, are you alright?" (Bff/n) asked you. The concern was written across their face, and for once, they didn't make a joke.

"Hmm?" You asked, snapping your head up to them. "Oh, yeah. I'm fine." You said, as you watched the ground move below you.

(Bff/n) stopped walking. And, confused, you did as well.

"No, you're not. What's wrong? Did I say something?" They asked.

No, you did something.

"Um... no, you're fine. Everything is fine. I'm fine, we're all — " You grumbled, stopping mid sentence only to walk away again. (As if walking away would solve anything. Perhaps you should just walk away into a new kingdom, into a new prince's life."

(Bff/n) ran up to you, "it's so obvious that nothing is fine, so talk to me. What's up?"

You only glanced at them in response, and turned your attention back to the ground below you. Slowly, you attempted to walk away.

But no, (Bff/n) knew you. They knew you better than you knew yourself, which meant they knew something was definitely up. They knew you'd try to walk away, so they reached out and put a hand on your shoulder. And with that hand they turned you towards them. "Just... stop, (Y/n), okay? I'm your best friend, probably your only friend — sorry — but you can tell me anything. You know this!"

I can't tell you this.

"Please? I want to help you."

"I'm in love with Newton." You spat quickly. Then, after, you vacantly stared at (Bff/n), who stumbled in shock. They froze. It took exactly three tries for them to form the words. "What?"

Your eyes broke away from (Bff/n)'s, and you started to flail your arms while you desperately rambled. "I-I... I never meant for it to happen, but it...it just did and now I don't know what to do because...

"Well.. because he kind of asked to court me." You finished.

"He kind of what?!" (Bff/n) exclaimed, their eyes nearly disks. Yep, okay. We're there now.

"I-I don't know. And I made up this whole story about you and me, this kingdom and my father and everything, but..." You looked up to (Bff/n), "It wasn't supposed to go this far."

"Yeah, you're right!" (Bff/n) said, their voice an octive or so higher.

"Okay well what am I supposed to do?"

"I don't know!"

"You have to know!"

"No I don't! And stop yelling at me!"

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