batboy/s headcanons

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1. Tim takes cold showers. Normally he just doesn't care enough to change them, but also Dick uses all of the hot water so oof

2. Jason listens to hard rock and pop punk exclusively (and even more important: he loves to blast it and shake the walls because he's still an angsty lil bby)

3. Dick tends to use his sisters' shower stuff. He likes the way they smell or something, and he's shameless about it (also: tim has used the girls stuff too, but it was on accident because he was hella sleep deprived. He's used Jason's and Dami's stuff as well, and he's learned his lesson from Dami, though the fam decided it was in Tim's best interest to make sure Jason never found out about the lil mishap)

4. Damian the best posture out of the bros (though Cass almost has him beat)

5. Tim loves hot Cheetos (a/n: idk why, please just let me have this one)

6. Jason is really good at chess (and he kind of likes it!)

7. Dick is a complete accidental yet shameless fanboy and everyone around him knows it

8. Damian listens to classical music and he loves it (though his brothers can never understand why)

9. Tim loves conspiracy theories (so does Jason, but the latter would rather die again than admit it)

10. Dick is hella ADHD, but he couldn't care less about getting medicated (and neither could Bruce tbh)

11. Jason is secretly working on his drafted novel. Only Alfred knows about this but even he isn't allowed to read it (he also writes poetry, but no one knows this — Alfred included)

12. Tim has horrible coffee breath (and therefore chews mint gum on the rare times he can't drink coffee. It's 5 to be exact)

13. Upon entering a room, Damian immediately searches for all of the exits (bc of old and traumatized habit)

14. Jason yells at the TV

15. Tim tends to daydream frequently

16. Dick has the Messiest Bedhead Ever No Matter What (like literally no one understands - he sleeps like a rock but somehow his hair still manages to stick out in every angle???)

17. Damian has absolutely zero "tell" for lying. He's the best out of his brothers (Dick is the worst, Tim is too tired to function, and Jason just doesn't care)

18. No matter how much they fight, the boys always have each other's backs. If you mess with one of them you'll have to go through all of them

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