sib!/bff!red hood!jason todd drabble

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loosely inspired by the quote above — all credit goes to the owner. sorry if this sucks — it's 2 in the am lol.
stay safe my loves! xx
(also there's some swears here but y'all know me so idk if that is necessary to say anymore lol )

Perhaps waking up tied to a chair wasn't your best moment, but you could safely say that you've been in worse.

But still — better or worse — this was not ideal.

So what happened? Well, you had decided to go against Batman, sneak up on the Red Hood, and he kinda/sorta caught you.

His automated voice echoed through the walls. You turned to find its source (as much as you could, of course), and met the silhouette of... a man? A machine?

No, you were sure it was a man.

Maybe a cyborg.

But at least some kind of man.

You tried to stay calm, of course. You asked questions like "who are you?" and "why am I here?"

And it only laughed.

"You're here because I brought you, doll."

Well duh-doy. You were about to roll your eyes, but then you remembered him.

The Red Hood.

The man who isn't afraid to kill people, who isn't afraid of a little blood.

The man who you now realized had you tied to a chair, who was now holding you hostage, who could do whatever he wanted with your body and —

"I know that," you scoffed. "I mean why did you bring me here? Are you gonna kill me or something?"

Apparently... no, he wasn't.

The Red Hood scoffed, instead. He took a step forward and his body shifted into the pale moonlight. At his reveal, you froze.

Ooh, damn. He sexy —

NO! Don't think that! You can't! He's got you captive! He's going to kill you and turn you into his new leather jacket!

No way, just calm down. Batman will be here soon. Just stall. Stay calm and stall. Don't show fear. Relax, relax, rel —

The Red Hood chuckled and your blood ran cold. Could he read minds?

Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. This is how I die. Damn you, Bruce! Fuck this fucking shit godda—

"I'm not going to do that.

"Kill you, I mean — too much blood.

"You're just the bait, really. After that you can go home or whatever."

Wow, thanks, man.

Wait.... Did he say I was bait?

"What for?" You asked.

"Hmm?" Hood said.

"What am I bait for? Is it who you
work for? Is it for the Joker?!?" You asked. Your heart beat through your chest, it felt like it could pop out at any second.

And Red just laughed.

"No, doll. I need you for the Old Man."

The Old Man? Oh....

"So are you going to send a video to him or something?"

You had meant to ask something like "are you going to send a video of me being beaten and tortured to the Bat?" but somehow you couldn't, so instead you had asked if the Red Hood would do the same thing he did to Jason Todd, your (best friend/brother).

"Jason Todd?" Hood asked.

You rolled your eyes — almost. "Yeah, you got a thing for crowbars too?"

"What? No!" Red yelled.

"Well I don't know!" You said. You wanted to throw your hands up, you tried to throw your hands up, but they were restrained, of course.

You had forgotten that.

"You're the bad guy here, you tell me!"

"I am not!" Red protested. He paused and took a deep breath. "I am not the bad guy," He repeated, much nicer than before.

You scoffed. "How?"

"Because — I... I'm not. I'm not a... bad guy...." He said. Though, the latter seemed to be said more for his own comfort than anything else.

So again, you scoffed. (A lot quieter, this time.)

"How?" You whispered. Then, a little louder,  "How can a bad guy not be a bad guy?"

"Well... I don't know." Red shot out. "Maybe... maybe I'm not the real bad guy here. Ever thought of that? Hmm?"

You had not thought of that.

I mean... well, who was the bad guy, then? If you believed Red for some reason, and he wasn't actually the bad guy, then who was?

"You tell me." Red responded.

"Uh... Joker?" You said.

"Given," Red prompted.






"Bigger picture, doll. Think more, think Robin... think Jason Todd. Vengeance, baby girl. Who avenged his death? Who mourned him and who replaced him?"


"Yes, doll."

"But that would mean — "

"That the good guys are the bad guys? That your entire life is a lie?"

"Well... yeah."

Red hummed. "And this is bad because..."

"Well," You thought. Well... why was this bad, again?

Oh, yeah.

"Batman is supposed to be good. He controls crime and — "

"Doll," Hood sighed, "does he really?"


"If he's so special, why is Gotham still full of criminals? Why is it the still most crime ridden city in the US? Why has it been the same for decades?"

"I... I don't know."

"Yes you do. You know it, say it." Red snapped as he stepped towards you.

"Batman... is bad? But how? How can he — "

Red hummed. "Do you get it now?" He asked. "Do you see what I'm doing?"

"I think so...."


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