newt one-shot

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(f/s) if favorite sportif you don't have one replace it with a hobby or something, (f/b/n) is favorite band name, (f/ic/f) is favorite ice cream flavor

You walked over to your friends, who conversed animatedly with eachother. Thomas was behind you, and found a seat next to Minho, while you sat besides Newt.

"So have you found a tutor yet?" Thomas asked, setting his tray down just before he was seated.

"Not yet." Newt groaned. "And if I don't find one soon, my parents'll bloody kill me. 'One more F'..." Newt trailed off.

You perked up, Since when did Newt need a tutor? He was one of the smartest kids in your health class....

"Relax, man. I'm sure you'll find someone." Minho said, sparing you a glance. You blushed. Minho knew you liked Newt, and he'd always try to tell you that Newt also liked you, but you never believed him.

Thomas noticed your silent exchange, and took that as an opportunity to speak up. "(Y/n)'s smart, why don't you ask them?"

Minho raised a milk carton to his lip, and snorted. He pushed the carton away, and wiped his mouth. "Sure," he said sarcastically. "Right after they make out."

You glared at Minho, who glared back, challenging you. But out of the corner of your eye, you could have sworn Newt was blushing.

Must be my imagination.

"I'm serious!" Thomas said.

This time, Ben spoke. "Okay say (Y/n) agrees. How will you that work with their schedules? I mean, (Y/n)'s always playing (f/s), and Newt's practicing with his band-"

"I can do it." You said. Suddenly, everyone became silent, turning towards you. You studied your friend's faces worriedly. Ben's eyebrows were furrowed in confusion, Minho was smirking, and Thomas was smiling slightly. But you were really only worried about how Newt would react. Well, and if Minho would make a snarky comment in return, but for now he stayed quiet. You looked to Newt, who broke into a grin.

"Really?! Bloody hell, thanks, (Y/n)!" He said, turning his attention back to his food after giving you a quick hug.

"Yeah," you mumbled, also going back to lunch.

What the shuck? You thought, noticing your lunch was gone. Immeaditely, you looked to Minho, who was digging around-probably for something sweet. He looked up to you and smirked, handing you back your lunch. But not before taking a cookie. Then, he drew a heart in the air, causing you to roll your eyes in return.

Don't get me started on Sonya. You mouthed back. Minho's face turned red, and you huffed in satisfaction.


"Really, it's not nearly as difficult as you think." You said to Newt, pointing to the paper that sat in front of him. "Just think about it. First, you want to get the variable by itself, so what do you do?"

"Um... subtract?"

"Nope. That'd only work with positives. These are negative numbers."

Newt groaned, "I don't know."

You raised an eyebrow, "I highly doubt that."

He turned to face you, a confused look sprout on his face.

"You're a lot smarter than you know. But you just need to realize it." Newt looked even more confused, so you added: "Don't be so hard on yourself, either. It's only school."

"Seems to be a lot more than 'only school'." He mumbled.

You leaned over, slightly nudging Newt with your shoulder. "It's really not. But believe me, I unsderstand where you're coming from." You said, leaning back into your chair. "Just let yourself go. Relax a little. Relax your shoulders, soften your forehead, unclench your jaw." You instructed. Newt did as told, obviously looking more relaxed. "You're too tense."

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