peter parker drabble

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"Hey, Spider-boy," You said, jumping down from the ledge you stood on seconds ago.

Spidey jumped, looking up at you. You froze, but not just because he wasn't wearing his mask. Well, sort of, but not completely. Really, it was because Spider-Man looked different than how you first expected. He was Peter Parker, the boy you sat next to in Spanish class. Peter Parker, the boy who claimed to know Spidey and always was made fun of for it. Peter Parker with his so-called "Stark internship".

Oh no.

Peter sighed, looking back into the distance, at the wall with Iron Man painted on it. His eyes were red, and you guessed it was why. Plus, Peter only bothered to come to school a few days a week at maximum.

He missed him, his hero.

Iron Man who was his hero.

Tony Stark who was his hero.

Iron Man and Tony Stark who were both his hero and now nothing more than a body under a grave.

So that was his internship, then. It was why Peter disappeared so often. It was the explanation behind all of he hidden cuts and bruises, all of the stolen bathroom passes.

And it was all true.

"Look," You said, kicking at the ground below you. "It's not your fault. None of this is. I mean really, if you wanna play the blame game you should blame me."

Peter turned to you. Even under the sadness he was easy to read. Confusion.

"I... I wasn't there," You confessed, tears suddenly threatening to spill down your cheeks. "I wasn't there, and I should have been, and...." Your voice broke. Your cover was blown. Curse the gods, you thought. "I could have stopped him. Not just Thanos... I could have taken the bullet for Stark." I should have taken the bullet for Stark.

Peter, in response, stated at you. He was either too shocked or to depressed.

You gulped, "But it's too late to go back now. Now... all we have is each other, and even if it's not much... well, it may be enough. M-maybe all we need is each other, you know?"




Peter looked up at the sound of his name. He didn't flinch, but he stayed still. Numb.

"Look, I get it," You continued. "I get that you're upset and I get that you're suffering his loss. It's fine. Good, even.

"But you're not alone in that. The world is suffering his loss besides you, Peter. And it's finished weeping... so you should too."

Peter whirled to face you when you finished, "What?!" He screamed, fire evident in his golden eyes. "How can you even say that?!"

"Because I know how I feels!" You snapped back.

Peter laughed bitterly, "How? How can you?" He asked, his tone dangerously calm now.

In return, you closed your eyes, "Because I've lost people too. Not just my parents... but everyone. Everyone around me is hurt or dead... like me."

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