newt drabble

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It was the nights like these that made life almost seem okay

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It was the nights like these that made life almost seem okay. The stars... well, who knows? Maybe they made you realize how small you are, maybe they made you feel like being stuck in a maze wasn't the end, but whatever it was — whether nothing matters or everything matters — you felt safe with their company.

It was a rare feeling in the Glade — safety. Especially since monsters literally come out at night, but.... As long as the stars were around to comfort you, things will never be that bad, right?

The world around you seemed to agree. The bonfire roared from across the field, mocked the energy of the boys around it. Its flames dancing alongside the boys as they cheered, side by side, equally as excited for the new Greenie's arrival.

But not with you.

You were alone. Excited to see the newbie, sure, but at the same time enjoying the isolation. You preferred the stars and the silence to the fire and the chaos.

After all you've already met the Greenie. You've already done your part. What does fighting with Gally have anything to do with it?

Leaves rustled from behind you, but you knew it wasn't a monster. It was the opposite. Perhaps it was an angel, instead.

One with blond hair, brown eyes, and leg too broken to fix.

"Why aren't you with the others?" He asked. The itchy red blanket was clutched in his hands, draped partially around him, and he stepped closer to you. His eyes betrayed his smile, and the cherry lips which his accent slipped through.

You shrugged, and with that shrug you turned away from Newt. You looked back to the stars, and merely whispered to yourself words incomprehensible.

But Newt didn't care. "S'cold," he said. He was by your side like usual, though you hardly remember him walking up to you. Hearing the leaves crunching below his feet or seeing the pain he tries so hard to hide behind his limp.

Newt suddenly wrapped his arm around your body. He enclosed you in his blanket, offered his body heat, only for you to shrug a second time.

So again, he chuckled. Again, he shook his head again and again you barely payed it any attention at all, because yeah, once again you were too busy looking at the stars, and once again he was too busy looking at you.

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