jason todd blurb

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(i'm watching the irl movie rn and the spaghetti scene made me think of our jaybird, so... yeah lol. ¡divertiti!)

You were running

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You were running. Running and running and running, probably faster than you've ever ran before. He was by your side — the boy from before — surprisingly.

"This way!" He called with a wave of his arm. You followed him, almost stumbling during his sharp right turn, and struggled to stay by his heels.


"Mmh!" You said, only to be shushed. His crystal eyes met your own, pleading for your silence. His hand was on your mouth, and you wondered if you were visibly blushing.

"What are you — "

"Shh!" He said.

"Wh — "

"Shut up!" He snapped. You winced, his whisper was barely auditable, but the fear was evident in his voice. And even if it wasn't his eyes held it all too obviously. So you didn't say anything.

He glanced behind him, with you still against the wall, seemingly frozen. His back was arched as he looked around, until he finally lay off of you.

And so you slapped his hand away, "What?" You hissed. What could it possibly be, now?

He looked back to you, now calm. His shoulders relaxed as he spoke, louder, but still softly, "Pigs," it was. Then, "C'mon."

But even then he didn't wait for a response. He grabbed your hand before you could protest, and began to jog away once more, with you in tow. This — this pace, this feeling — was different, though. It was slower, so you could easily keep with him, so anyone, no matter how small they are, could keep up with his pace.

"Where are we going?" You asked.

"We're not going anywhere. You're going home." The boy responded.


He suddenly stopped, and you, embarrassingly, almost plowed right into him.

But you didn't. Thank god.

"You're going home," He repeated.

You paused, then, with a sharp inhale, "Why?"

"Isn't that what you want?"


"Uh, well... um... yeah, I guess, but....

"But I never got your name."

The boy stared at you, blinked, and finally snorted. "Jason," He said. "That enough for ya, sweetheart? Or d'ya need my life story, too."

"Well," you pretended to think, "I don't know..." and a smirk spread across your lips. "I'm sure we've got time for your life story... but I guess you're not in the mood.

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