pjo x hp crossover

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Draco hesitantly rose up from where he slept seconds before, the creaky bed below him causing him to flinch, while he tried not to wake any of his siblings.

C'mon, Malfoy. He told himself. You can't hide forever.

And he was right, Draco couldn't hide forever. Some day, they're going to realize that he isn't a son of Athena. That in fact, he isn't even a demigod. And when that day came, Draco didn't want to be there.

Draco opened an old notebook of his siblings', and scribbled a quick farewell after he took off his sweatshirt. He set it onto his bed. Then, he grabbed his packed bag and fled the camp, pushing the dread of his future away.


Draco noticeably shivered as soon as he stepped into the old hotel.

"Are you cold, my love?" A woman's voice asked.

Draco swallowed, "No," he said.

The woman cackled, and stepped into the faint light. "Are you sure?" She asked. Her blood red lips glistened, and her pearly fangs peeked. However, her eyes were still hidden in the shadows of her helmet. But that didn't stop their faint glow.

Draco nodded, scared, like a child. This isn't what Father would have wanted. He told himself.

The woman cocked her head to the side slightly, "Come here, my love." She said.

Draco dragged his feet over to her, and held out his elbow for her to take. The woman did just so, and guided Draco deeper into the Labyrinth, where Voldemort awaited his new tool.


All around, demigods cheered for their victory, hugging each other, clashing swords, and even a few scattered kisses from couples.

Well, most demigods cheered.

Annabeth Chase's happiness was short-lived when she realized what really happened. It meant Luke was dead, and Percy...

Oh, Percy! Annabeth's mind screamed at her. Her grey eyes widened, and she sprinted over to where she saw him last, but somehow missed him.


The mystery of Malcom Pace was still unsolved to Annabeth and Percy, but they knew he wasn't taken from monster.

At least, not a monster they knew of.

Annabeth Chase paced in her cabin, back and forth, back and forth, until interrupted by the sound of the front door slamming.

"Annabeth! I think I got something!" Percy's shouts echoed through Athena's cabin.

Annabeth shot towards him immeaditely, "What?!" She asked him.

Percy bent over his legs, and panted, holding up a finger to signal Annabeth to wait. Annabeth rolled her eyes, "Give me this," she said, snatching the paper out of Percy's hands.

Annabeth's grey eyes scanned the sheet of paper infront of her, while Percy's expression mocked her. Obviously, Annabeth noticed this, so she stuck her tounge out at him, and proceeded to read.

Finally, she asked "What the Hades is a death eater?" While handing Percy back the paper.

"That's the thing, I-I don't know. No one knows. I... haven't you read anything about it in your books?"

Annabeth looked back to her bookshelf, and back at Percy with a frown. "No." She simply said.

Percy squinted at her like she was crazy, but shrugged it off.

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