ben parish one-shot

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(Y/n) is Your Name

Calvin Scott was Ben Parish's best friend

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Calvin Scott was Ben Parish's best friend. He told him everything. Ben as well.

Or at least that was what Cal assumed.

He never assumed that Ben was secretly dating anyone. Let alone, that it would be you. But he was, and you were. A little over two months ago Ben asked you out, and of course, you said yes. However, the two of you decided to keep it a secret, considering Ben had a group of crazy fangirls constantly trailing him, and your (parent/guardian) didn't like him one bit. But the fact that your friend groups didn't like each other didn't help, either.

In a way, the two of you were like Romeo and Juliet. But, you guys were smart enough to check for a pulse before jumping to conclusions if someone died. So maybe it was more like Danny and Sandy.




Ben Parish jumped in his chair slightly, "What?" He asked Cal.

"What's wrong with you?" He asked. He must have seen the confusion written on Ben's face, because he followed up with: "You're staring again. Forget it, man. They're off limits. Let them hang with their weird friends." Cal said, shaking his head while he frowned.

Ben knew better than to roll his eyes, so he didn't. But he was *this* close to. Instead, he sighed, and moved his attention to the food in front of him.

"Seriously, man," Cal said. "There something goin' on with you? Are ya getting enough sleep?"

"N-no, yeah, um..." Ben said. He just wanted to go home, with you in his arms, and play with your hair as you fell asleep. "Why?" He asked, looking over to Cal once again.

"You keep staring at them for like, the thousandth time." Cal reminded him.

Ben rolled his eyes, "It's not the thousandth..." He said.

"Mm-hmm. And I'm going to become a professional softball player. Look, I get t, you like 'em, but you know you can't have them-"

"Says who?"

"Logic!" Cal said a little too loudly. The cafeteria fell silent, and everyone stared, including you. Soon, everyone went back to their conversations. "You're Ben Freakin' Parish!" He whisper-shouted. Cal sighed, and closed his eyes. "Just... please don't get involved with this. It's... it's not worth it. There are plenty of other people for you that aren't them. Like... Janie? What about her?"

"Janie Fredericksen?" Ben asked, but shook his head.

He didn't want just 'any other person', he wanted you.

And it killed Cal inside.


You giggled at Ben's corniness, and lightly pushed him. He leaned back, but not for long. Suddenly, his hand was under your chin, and your laugh stopped. Your heart rate sped up once you saw his eyes flicker to your lips, and you hoped Ben couldn't notice. You leaned in, and Ben did as well, taking your gesture as an OK. He leaned into you, and just as your lips touched the sound of a door slamming open interrupted, as well as the sound of someone dropping textbooks. You jumped at the sudden noise, away from Ben, and looked to the source of the disruption.

It was Calvin Scott.

"Oh shit." Ben cursed under his breath.

Cal stood in front of you two, bug-eyed and jaw dropped.

"Ben? Was that you?" Mrs. Parish's voice came from downstairs.

Ben cleared his throat, "Uh... yeah. Yeah, I uh, just dropped my books."

"Are you alright?"

"Y-yeah. Yep." Ben said, not daring to drop eye contact with Cal. "We're fine."

"Okay, then," she said.

Cal blinked, and that must have set everything off.

"Listen, I can explain-"

Cal scoffed, "Yeah, you better." He shot out. "I'm givin' you thirty seconds. Go."

"Okay, so basically I've been dating (Y/n) for the past two months, but it's been the best two months of my life, and I know it's wrong but I love them, and they love me and we're so happy and... please, Cal, don't be mad."

"Mad? Mad?! How can I not be mad?!? I just found out my best friend literally is Romeo, and he's dating Juliet! Er, whatever!" Cal threw his hands up in the air, but not before sending you an apologetic look. "I can't believe-"

"I know, I know. But-"

"No!" Cal said, pointing a finger at Ben. "You don't get to talk."

"Then can I?" You asked. Cal froze, and stared at you. "I understand why you're mad. If I were you, I'd be too, but give me five minutes. Okay? Just five minutes..." You trailed off. Cal stared at you, but you took that as a yes. "Okay, so like Ben said, we've been dating for about two months now, and it's been great. Everything's perfect... almost. Now I get why you're mad, because I'd be too, if I was in your shoes. But I'm not.

"Anyway, he wanted to tell you about us, Ben did. You were the first person he asked if he could tell, but I said no. I know it's stupid and selfish, but you know how things are. It just wouldn't work out, no matter how hard we wanted it to. Especially if we wanted it to.

"Ben and I... I don't know how to say it. We're... everything just feels so perfect when I'm with him. Like nothing can go wrong. Like there's no south side, no north side, nothing. No rivalries, or fights, or gender issues... you know?" Cal slowly nodded his head, and you sighed. "I guess what I'm trying to say is that I love Ben, and you should too. You're his best friend, nothing can change that. Not me, not you, not even some stupid rivalry. So if you're going to end your friendship with him because of me, don't. It's not worth it, trust me."

It took Cal exactly three tries to get the words out of his mouth, but once he finally did, he said: "But why didn't you tell me?"

You and Ben exchanged looks, and Ben sighed. "I don't know, man. I just... I got nothing."

"It was me," You said. "Like I said, I told him not to. You know, 'cause of the rules... an-and Ben's social status."

Cal looked to you when you spoke, the Ben, as if he needed conformation. Ben nodded his head, and that was all Cal needed.

He closed his eyes, and rubbed his temples with two fingers. "I just... wow." He said. "This is... what am I supposed to say?" Cal asked, his eyes flickering towards yours for a second, before going back to Ben's.

Ben's eyes widened, and he threw his hands back in surrender. "Don't look at me! I don't know! (Y/n), help!"

You smiled, "How am I supposed to know?" You asked, slyly grabbing a pillow from behind Ben. Suddenly, you wacked him with it. Right in the face.

Ben fell back onto the bed, and you tossed another pillow to Cal, who caught it and ran over to Ben. The boys laughed, while hitting each other in what soon became a full on 'pillow war'. You laughed as well, until Ben's mom interrupted the three of you.

She knocked on the door, before opening it. "Ben, does Cal want to-oh!" She said, scanning her sons' room, and then your faces. She stopped at yours, making you nervous. But she soon smiled, "Who's this?"

Cal and Ben shared an obvious panicked expression, so you decided to step in. "I'm (Y/n), we're partners for a science project." You turned your phone on, and read the time. "And uh, it's actually getting kinda late, so I gotta go. Cya later, Ben. Cal." You said, mocking a salute as you rose off of Ben's bed.

"They're cute!" You heard Ben's mom say.

"Mom!" Ben shouted, causing you to smirk, while Calvin bursted into a fit of laughter.

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