ben parish imagine

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The echo of a body thudding against a mat bounced off walls, followed by snickering

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The echo of a body thudding against a mat bounced off walls, followed by snickering.

"Next time-" Ringer teased.

Ben cut her off by wrapping his legs around her own. He pushed her back, and she fell with a sudden crash. Ben held in a laugh. Ringer groaned, and got up. She held her hands in front of her face, now in fists.

"Again," She said.

Ben sighed, and helped himself up to mirror Ringer's position.

Ringer brought her fist forward, but Ben blocked it with his fist. He brought his leg under Ringer's, and let gravity take its toll. Before he knew it, he was straddling Ringer's torso, with his forearm resting on her throat.

Ringer chuckled at Ben. "Where'd you learn to fight like that?" She asked. Ben got off, and helped his friend up. Like you would.

"A friend," He said. He didn't want to say much. He didn't want to tell her it was you that taught him to fight. He didn't want to tell her that you were the reason he was so kind to Nugget and the other little ones. That you were the reason he was squad leader.

Ben tore his gaze from Ringers', who took it as a hint that this 'friend' was a touchy topic. She pushed him onward, though. She needed to know more.

"They died," Ringer said. She meant it as a question, but it came out as a statement. Like usual.

Ben visibly flinched, and reluctantly nodded his head to confirm Ringer's guess.

"You guys must have been pretty tight, then." Ringer added. Once again, Ben nodded. He didn't know what to say.

He didn't want to speak.

"Do you miss them?"

Ben looked up to Ringer, "With all of my heart," he eventually said. It was true. And yet, Ben felt guilty for your death. He felt like those five words were an understatement, and that he'd never be able to express his grief towards you.

Ringer forced a smile, an attempt to brighten the mood, and found a spot on the mat below her. "Tell me more," She said, patting her hand down. Ben looked to her, his dark eyebrows furrowed, but took his spot across from Ringer.

"They... they meant the world," Ben said. His voice cracked with the last word. Ben cleared his throat, and tried again. "They..." He laughed. "I loved them. So, so much. More than you could believe, but..."

"But the waves got them," Ringer guessed. Ben pressed his lips together and pushed his tongue against the roof of his mouth-something you used to do to stop yourself from crying.

"Yeah," He forced. "The waves..."

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