modern!au headcanons

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Alby-Keeps to himself -Lives on his own a lot because his parents work -Started to work at a job from a young age-Has a loving girlfriend who always has his back, but goes to a different school than the gang-Loves rice and cookies (not together, o...

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-Keeps to himself
-Lives on his own a lot because his parents work
-Started to work at a job from a young age
-Has a loving girlfriend who always has his back, but goes to a different school than the gang
-Loves rice and cookies (not together, of course)

-For some reason is really good at math and geography but won't admit it
-He wants to keep his reputation
-Flirts with everyone constantly (whether you're a girl, guy, or whatever. Minho does not care)
-Obviously the captain of the track team and Varsity for cross country
-But plays lacrosse in the off season to stay in shape (which keeps Thomas in shape)
-Loves Iron Man with his whole heart

-Doesn't pay attention but somehow gets really good grades
-The smart but dumb friend, basically
-Like, he can be really, really dumb
-But he manages AP classes
-Flirts with people a little bit just because he hangs out with Minho so much
-Lax life
-But runs track because Minho forced him to (they have a pact)
-He's the Ferris Bueller of the Maze Academy, pretty much
-Like actually, though. Everyone knows who he is and everyone loves him

-Loves rings (wears lots of finger rings, and occasional toe rings)
-Lots of ear piercings
‐From Claire's, obviously (bc Claire's is too punk rock)
-Riot girrrl and women's rights forever
-Rocks grunge stuff that most people can't
-For some reason kicks your ass in every video game ever
-Jorge is her cousin/uncle or something related to her/legal guardian
-Good fashion sense
-She will let you know if your outfit is stupid and help you fix it
-If it's at school, she'll give you an outfit that somehow fits both you and your style perfectly. If it's not, she makes you go home and she'll run through your wardrobe to find the prefect outfit that you didn't even know existed
-Really really good runner but refuses to join Minho on the track team or xc

-Nose piercing
-Has ear piercings but doesn't wear earrings often
-Really good at makeup
-Like, Brenda's thing is more hair, but Teresa makes makeup on point
-Not popular, but not not popular
-Big activist, like Brenda
-Likes English and can is trilingual

-"Mom friend"
-Loves photography (constant mini photoshoots with his S/O or his sis) as well as friends' sporting outings
-Parents expect straight A's
-In the popular group, but more quiet
-Team Cap!
-The group had an argument about it before the Civil War went out to theaters, and almost everyone else was against him about who was the best
-Secretly writes books with his free time
-Loves his guitar
-He actually named it
-Protective older brother to Sonya
-Brings snacks to his friends' sports games/track meets
-First Aid certified and CPR certified

-Loves plants and knows everything about them
-Also photography (loves to compete with Newt about who can take the best pics)
-Likes to draw her plants and paint
-Messy painter
-Somehow gets paint on her face but still looks really cute
-Really good at braiding
-Like really, really good
-Parents also expect straight A's
-Had a nickname for everyone
-Helps Newt write songs and come up with story ideas
-Loves to be photographed
-Flower crowns and innocent looks
-Really not as innocent as she seems/everyone thinks but plays along
-Partly because she doesn't have a choice
-Newt babies her a lot
-Actually, everyone does
-She loves little kids and they love her

-Looks at Sonya like she's in love
-But isn't cause they're besties
-The only other Team Cap person out there
-But like, she's more Tony Stark than Steve Rogers, so it kinda comes as a surprise
-Really really smart but nobody really notices it
-Naturally beautiful

-It's not that he's mean it's just that everyone's intimidated by him
-So they're kinda scared of him when he walks past in the hallway
-But he doesn't like Thomas because he's jealous
-Plays football (and is probably QB)
-Does track, but sprints and high jumps

-He's pretty quiet
-Will constantly mumble vines under his breath but is rarely caught
-Likes to draw, but wouldn't be caught dead doing it
-And he's like, really good at it
-Watches track and likes watching lacrosse but won't play (no matter how much Thomas pushes him)
-Student council since his freshman year
-Will occasionally write for the school news paper, too
-But he's still a shy stick

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