rainbow connection

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[(Y/n) is Your Name, (Bff/n) is Best Friend's Name, (R/S/n) is Rival School name. You run cross country here, and you're at a meet. Soulmate!AU.]

"What about... them?" (Bff/n) asked you. You looked ahead, to where someone in a dark jersey stood. Their hair was light, maybe blond(e)?

"Er... what do they look like?"

(Bff/n) has already seen their soulmate and still manages to keep in touch with them. According to your best friend, it was a few years ago when they took a trip to the suburbs, at Dylan's Candy Store. They believe that since they've found their soulmate, you can find yours as well.

"Blond(e) hair, green eyes - oh, never mind! They just kissed someone." You laughed.

"What about them?" You asked, pointing to a cute person warming up.

(Bff/n) turned to you. Based off the look on their face, they were horrified.

"What...?" You hesitantly asked. You thought the person in front of you was cute, but now you weren't so sure.

"They're wearing green," (Bff/n) said.


"And that means they're from (R/S/n)."


You never really understood the rivalry between your school and theirs. Sure, you don't like (R/S/n), but if it's the school your soulmate happens to go to, you could make do.

However, when they turned to face you, you froze. Was that...?

No. It couldn't have been.

There was no way they were your soulmate. That would be....

I mean, the Universe is messed up and all but I couldn't be that much, right?

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