newt imagine

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warnings: minor panic attack in the end, but i don't think it's described enough to be triggering. still, use caution if needed
also there is a fem!reader (like you wear a dress and stuff) but honestly feel free to change it if u want.

"Actually, you're wrong

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"Actually, you're wrong." You said before you could stop yourself.

"Oh, really?" Minho challenge. "How so?"


"Well, you see... um, I'm already dating him. It's just... it's a secret, so we haven't told anyone."

Minho raised an eyebrow, but seemed satisfied with your answer. "Okay. Then prove it." He said.


"Prove to me that you're dating Newt. Kiss or something. I don't care." Minho said.

Then and only then, did it sink in. You said you were dating Newt — your best friend, your person, your one and only. Newt was the one relationship you couldn't fuck up, yet here you were, fucking it up.

God, you hated your anxious rambles.

You pressed your lips, "fine," You said. "I'll bring him to the Christmas party Saturday."

No, no! You shucking liar! Slim it! Slim it and run and dig a whole and die!! The voice inside your head screamed at you. You ignored it, though. You enjoyed the idea of destroying Minho's delicate ego more than anything else. You had to win this one. Losing wasn't an option.

Minho almost looked shocked for a moment, but he soon replaced it with his infamous smirk. "Good," He said. "I'll see you two there, then." He said as he shifted his weight to the staircase railing.

You didn't notice you were holding your breath until it was too late. You were about to speak, but Minho beat you to it. Quickly. And so to stop yourself from saying anything else you'd regret, you decided to distract yourself by attempting to tie your shoes.

"Oh, and remember" he said, clicking his fingers as if he just remembered something. "Thomas said to dress fairly nice, so... wear a dress or something." He said with a wink. Then, he turned around and left your house.

"'Wear a dress' my lower back," You mumbled to yourself. You then opened the door and yelled,"Minho!"

The boy turned, "what's up sweetness?" He asked.

"Never wink at me again!" You snapped. Minho shot you a smile, he got your message. Forced a smile before turning around to go back into the comfort of your own home. "How am I gonna get out of this one?" You asked yourself, as you leaned against the door.


Remember when you specifically asked Minho not to tell anyone about you and Newt? Yeah, that didn't really work.

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