newt one-shot

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(Bff/n) is your best friend's name, (G/n) is your parent/guardian's name, (f/c) is favorite color

ROYAL!AU(Bff/n) is your best friend's name, (G/n) is your parent/guardian's name, (f/c) is favorite color—

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You didn't hear them calling your name at first. You were too busy studying the apple in your hand, scanning its skin for small blemishes. (G/n) had sent you out to the orchard, invited some friends over tonight. It's for a potluck, they had said. Now go and gather some apples, they had said.


But hey, (Bff/n) is here, running up the hill, just for you! You sighed as you faced your friend, though. You hold nothing against (Bff/n), of course, but you weren't in the mood for their drama right now. You didn't care if Jackson and Alicia got back together, if Marcus Locke not-so-surprisingly broke another girl's heart.

Sorry (Bff/n), but today's just not the day.

But.. also, being your best friend, it was (Bff/n)'s job to pull you out of your funk. It was their job to inform you on what happened, on what girl's poor soft soul just broke up with Marcus Locke's own stone cold one.

And, speaking of, (Bff/n) had nearly ran into you, yet before doing so you managed to catch their eyes. That look... you should have known from them that your almost-crash was surely to be the least of your concerns.

Placing the last apple in the basket, you set the latter to rest on the dewy ground. It was away from your feet, maybe more than necessary, but you figured you were better safe than sorry. 

(Bff/n) panted at your other side, standing even farther from the basket. They held their finger up to you before rising back to their feet, Cheshire grin quickly spreading.

"There's a ball!" They cheered.

Um... you furrowed your eyebrows, "What?" You asked.

(Bff/n) scoffed, "Come on, (Y/n)," they said. "Don't tell me you haven't heard!"

You raked through your mind. Ball... ball... what ball? Who's throwing a ball? Probably the royal family, you decided. They were the only ones with that type of money in your kingdom.

Yet still, you shook your head no.

"The masquerade," (Bff/n) hinted slowly. They even threw an arm up, but nothing computed. Um....

(Bff/n) sighed, "What do people do at a masquerade...?" They prompted with a sigh.

"They... dress up?"


"They... wear masks?"


"But I still don't get it," you wanted to say. "Why should we care if they're wearing masks or not?"

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