jason todd one-shot

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[jt x single!mom]
also: ik the timeline is fucked. just leave it... lmao.

Maybe being a single parent was hard, and maybe being a single parent in Gotham was harder, but the fact that you can have a child of your own? Well, that made it worth everything

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Maybe being a single parent was hard, and maybe being a single parent in Gotham was harder, but the fact that you can have a child of your own? Well, that made it worth everything.

His name was Jay — after both his father and Jay Gatsby. And as if the name didn't do enough justice, your son looked identical to his father. He had the same striking blue eyes and the same jet black hair. The same build, too, and the same crooked grin. Jay had your skin tone, though, which was one of the few features you shared, along with his hair style, which was (curly/straight/wavy). But otherwise, he looked exactly like his father.

Also, it's not important or anything, but it was actually his middle name that was Jay. His first was (*Pick A Cute Name Because IDK And It Would Be Bowie If It Were Up To Me Oof*).

And that hurt you at first. It hurt you, when you looked at your son, because you could only see his father. In his eyes you could only see the man you loved, the man who was instead of given the break he deserved brutally murdered.

The man who broke your heart in two.

But you can't dwell on that now, can you? You've moved on and even if you haven't totally you must pretend for now. For Jay if nothing else. For Jason.

"Sweetie," You said to your son. He turned towards you at the mention of one of his many pet names, and like every other time, your heart melted at his glistening icy eyes. Your heart melted his mouth, too, and of course his hair and height and his everything, really, because he looks just like his father.

"Yeah, Mama?" Jay said, eyebrows pulled together and head tilted ever so slightly, barely, but also quizzically.

You shook your head for good measures and pulled yourself together once more. Smiling at your boy, you made something up. Really, you had selfishly just wanted to make him stay. You wanted to tell him that no, that it's okay if he wants to stay home because he lives in Gotham and Gotham is a terrible place. That he's always welcome to cancel his plans and instead stay with you. That please, Jay. Please cancel your plans and stay home, here, with you, because you can't afford to let anything happen to your little one. Not like it did, Jason.

But that's too selfish. Jay wouldn't understand, and you didn't want him to. Instead, you made something up again. Instead, you said, "Just... be careful out there." Then, "Remember dinner's at grandpa's tonight. Try to be home around five, okay?"

"Sure thing, Mama," Jay said with a smile. It was always Mama. Never Mom, never Mommy, but Mama. You loved it.

"I'll be home soon."


Jay turned his shoulder, towards you. His dark eyebrows were furrowed once more until he saw you tilt your cheek to him. Then, with a grin mirroring his father's, he ran to you and kissed your cheek. "Love you, Mama," He whispered.

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