jason todd blurb

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"Hold him gently in your hands. He has been cracked enough as it is, and his heart is more shattered than he lets on."

You murmured into his neck, breathed down his back, whispered sweet words against his skin

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You murmured into his neck, breathed down his back, whispered sweet words against his skin. His body was tense against your own but you kept going — he'd stop you if he wanted. He was bigger and stronger and quicker.

He wanted to say what are you doing? only to find that he couldn't, as he feared that speaking would ruin this moment (even though he didn't truly know what this moment meant).

You're oblivious to this, of course. And you proceed to wrap your arms around your man. It was painfully slow, at first, until hesitation turns to comfort and comfort turns to craving. You moved slowly and steadily, and then all at once — slowly and steadily you reach for him, and then all at once he falls onto you.

All 230 lbs of of muscle.

Jason wants to jump. He wants to get up and run off the couch and leave his apartment but he doesn't at the same time because god, he can't ruin this. Not yet.

He continues to be frozen in your grasp, but now he seems to have found some variation of comfort. He searches your eyes, your face, for something unknown. He searches for anything, really, but you don't realize it. You don't realize it's your steady breaths, which he syncopated his own to; it's your warm stomach, which ultimately gave his cold fingertips something to feel — for once — until finally; it's his head on your chest.

Finally, it's him being the way he should be — the way he should have been, long ago.

Jason was your boyfriend. He was the man who was once Robin and was now the Red Hood. He'd been through far too much in his lifespan — you couldn't dare to comprehend it all. This was man who you loved. He was your man, he'd died once and lived twice. You thought of this for a while.

And then you thought of his family. His brothers — Dick, Tim, Damain, and Duke, and how they were doing. You thought of his sisters — Stephanie, Barbara, and Cassandra, and if they worried about Jay. You thought of his father, Bruce Wayne, and his Butler, Alfred Pennyworth. There were his friends — Artemis, Roy, Kory; and there was you — Jason's girlfriend.

And finally, you thought of Alfred's warning to you. The one he gave only after making sure no one other than you was near within the same radius of him. The words which Alfred whispered and you never truly recognized until now.

And it wasn't just a warning. It was a plea and a thank you and a vow, too; all from Alfred to you, so you could pass it to Jason from Alfred.

Everything he couldn't tell the boy is now for you to share and so is everything he can't tell the man. All for you; from Alfred to Jason Todd.

From Alfred to Jason Todd, the broken man, who, though he will never believe it, is finally fixed.

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