jason todd one-shot

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When Jason first met you, he hated himself for taking a liking to you

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When Jason first met you, he hated himself for taking a liking to you. At first, be blamed you. Why'd you have to be so cute? Why'd you have to be so nice it's attractive? Why'd you have to get along so well with the stupid Demon Spawn that it made Jason jealous? Of course, in the back of his mind he knew the age gap was too large, but that didn't stop his glares.

Eventually, you grew sick of his hatred and walked up to him. This was the first time he truly realized that he had fallen in love with an angel.

"What the fuck is your problem?" You asked him.

Jason, surprised with your harsh tone of voice, looked at you with wide and confused eyes. "I-I... what do you even mean?"

You rolled your eyes, and that was the moment Jason knew he couldn't deny it anymore.

He was in love with you.

"Don't play innocent with me, Todd. I notice the way you glare in my direction. What did I ever do to you, huh? Sorry I'm trying to be nice to your little brother that you all hate, and treat awfully, by the way."

Jason sighed, and felt tears fill his eyes. Why now? He thought. Out all the times for his emotions to take over, it had to be now.

"What-what's wrong?" You asked quietly, suddenly taking back everything you just said.

Jason sighed, and shook his head, biting his lip. Hard. He squeezed his eyes shut, and bit his lip harder. The familiar, metallic taste of blood filled his mouth.

"Oh my god," You said. "I'm so sorry." You rushed over to him, and gave him a hug. Just sitting there, leaning over him, with your arms wrapped around him tightly, as if you were afraid to let go.

Jason just sat there, in your embrace.

Although it was uncommon for him to let people into his life, he did for you. Normally, with everything he did, his brain screamed 'don't trust them'. But you were different.

He never doubted you.

Maybe it was the way your true colors glowed around him, or the way that you seemed to be kind to everyone and everything (even your house plants). Whatever it was, it made Jason swear you weren't human. In his opinion, it wasn't possible for someone to be so sweet and caring.

Especially to him.

After Jason got to know you, your excited energy seemed to rub off onto him. Really, it rubbed off onto everyone, but especially Jason.

Deep down, in the way far back of his mind, Jason knew this was too good to be true. But he let himself believe that someone could care.

Or maybe he was sick of pushing people away.


"How do you do it?" Dick asked you one day.

You furrowed your eyebrows, and looked at him. "Do what?"

"Jason," He said, as if that answered his question. He soon added: "How do you get him to be nice to you? How does he not hate you?!"

You giggled, "Well, I guess I'm just nice to him... I don't know. Why?"

Dick shook his head, but grinned at you. "Dunno. You got something special, though. Magic, maybe, but...." He trailed off with a small laugh, and returned his attention to the television in front of him.


Although nobody knew it (nor would they ever guess it), all of the killing Jason did got to his brain, and some days it brought him down.

The second time Jason realized he was in love with an angel was when he was out drinking. He never intended to go past the normal limit, but thoughts of you and your random acts of kindness filled his mind, and he tried to drink them away. Sometime that night, you heard a knock on your door. You set down your phone, and opened the door.

"Jason!" You said, surprised. Jason flashed you a lazy and lopsided grin, and stumbled into your house. "What... what are you doing here?"

Jason limped over to your kitchen, and dug through the cabinets. "Missed you," He mumbled, opening a can of Pringles.

"Jason," You cooed. "You're drunk. C'mon, let's go lay down-"

"I'm fine, (Y/n)." Jason said. However, you doubted that. You knew Jason. He didn't just come to your apartment like this, let alone make himself at home.

"No, you're not." You whispered. You shook away the thought, and walked over to Jason, ignoring his protests when you took the Pringles away. "C'mon," You said, trying to pick him up.

Jason moaned, and relaxed his body even more. You collapsed onto the couch, with Jason on top of you. You felt your cheeks heat up, but you tried to shake the feeling away.

"Jason, get up!" You said, once again attempting to push the boy off of your couch. Jason refused to move, and snuggled into your arms instead. He inhaled deeply,

"Mmh, you smell good." He mumbled into your shirt. You rolled your eyes,

"Whatever, Todd." You whispered, absent-mindedly playing with his hair while you relaxed. It didn't take long for Jason's snores to echo across the walls of your living room, or for your breaths to syncopate with his, or for you to fall asleep holding him, afraid to let go.


The third time was when Jason found the truth about his mom. He came over to your apartment room once again, this time fully sober.

"Coming!" Your voice said from the other side of the door as soon as Jason knocked. After a few seconds, the door swung open, and Jason stood in front of you.

"Hey, uh..." You scanned his face for emotion, but he showed none. "Is something up?"

Jason only nodded his head, and you took that as que to let him in, but not before giving him a reassuring hug.

You had been with him for the darkest times in his life, but where was he, now that you needed him? Where was he, now that you were stuck in the dark? The one time you asked for him to be there, he wasn't. Why?

Because he was gone, according to Bruce. Killed by the Joker.

But perhaps that was a good thing. Perhaps it was the fates testing you, seeing how much of an 'angel' you truly were. Or perhaps it wasn't. Perhaps it was karma for everything Jason has done. Or payback for Bruce and his dark secrets.

Or, perhaps it just wasn't meant to be. Perhaps, when they say "opposites attract", they don't really mean it.

But then again, perhaps it wasn't that at all. Or, perhaps it was all of that. Perhaps, when Jason knocked on your door for the first time in years, everything was indeed a test, karma for the sins Jason's committed.

Perhaps, even the fates enjoy a good cliche every once and a while, and perhaps, they didn't believe in karma for a second.

For all we know, that second was just enough time for you to ask Jason, "What the hell, Todd?"

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