ethan nakamura drabble

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inspired by song above ^

Ethan had fucked up.

But duh, we already knew that. Right?


But also, what we didn't know was that Ethan had to fuck up in order to get where he is now.

In... dare I say Elysium.

And, of course, he had to fuck up in order to meet you - but again, we knew that one.

But you? Well, you didn't fuck up. Not one bit.

And sometimes it made Ethan question the gods above him (which he promised to never do again and now hated to admit) because why? Why you? Why him? I mean, you're perfect. Light, even.

And Ethan... well, Ethan is just the opposite, really.

So no, he doesn't deserve you. Not really. Not in his eyes.

But in yours? Oh, in your eyes Ethan is perfect.

He is the one. He's the only person who your demons can dance with; the only person you truly feel needs you and loves you for yourself.

But no, Ethan doesn't know that. He doesn't know that you're slowly breaking when he shuts himself out from you.

He doesn't see it.

Or maybe he doesn't believe it.

But his friends see it. Luke and Silena and Beckendorf all see it and they hate it. They want to scream at Ethan, shake some sense into him and make him realize that yeah, you do love him!

But they can't, so they won't. And again, Ethan fucks it all up.

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