moodern!glader! one-shot

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"uh oh we ran out of chips and instant noodle time for an emergency trip to the grocery store at 1AM IN THE MORNING and only one of us gets to sit in the shopping cart"

MODERN!AU - NOT X READER"uh oh we ran out of chips and instant noodle time for an emergency trip to the grocery store at 1AM IN THE MORNING and only one of us gets to sit in the shopping cart"—

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It was 1:10 in the morning (the actual time I'm writing lol) when Thomas's tummy growled. The boy was already awake, but nonetheless exhausted as he dug through his roommates' pantry.

His dark eyes scanned around for something, anything tasty.


Of course there wouldn't be chips. At least, not the kind Thomas wanted. Not after Alby attempted to force his 'healthy eating' rule on everyone. It's not like it really mattered, though. Thomas ate what he wanted and managed to keep his title as 'cross country champion' for years now. That was the secret, really. Thomas ran so he could eat.

"Hungry?" A deep voice startled Thomas back to reality.

Thomas accidentally slammed the cabinet door shut, and the whole house cringed. If nobody heard him digging around before, they definitely have now.

"Uh, yeah... I guess." Thomas mumbled. He was suddenly thankful for the darkness that surrounded him in the moment, for it somehow managed to cover his sheepish blush from Newt, even if his voice couldn't.

Newt cracked a smile through it, though. His skin glowed in the pale moonlight, and his lips looked dry.

For a boy, Newt sure was beautiful.

Yet all too suddenly, footsteps ruined the mood. Another voice sounded; this one being more annoyed and less English, "Can you shuck-faces slim it already? Some of us need our beauty sleep." Minho said. In his right arm rested a fuzzy blanket, and in his left was his silky white sleep mask with the teddy bear his mother gave him for college (which he slept with every night but would kill anyone who said anything about it).

"I'm already beautiful," Newt chuckled. With a wave of his wirst, the boy brushed imaginary strands from his shoulder, like a girl in some teen-drama movie.

Minho snorted in response, "Yeah right," He mumbled.

"Well anyways," Thomas said as he stalked towards the island. "As nice as your 'beauty sleep' seems, I gotta go go the store." When his friends met his eyes with a weird (and ever so slightly judgmental) look, he added: "I'm starved."

"Tommy, I-"

"I'm fine. Come with if you want, mom." Thomas teased Newt. Of course Newt blushed at the nickname, but nevertheless proceeded to grab his car keys (after all, Newt was basically the mom-friend in the group. Without him, Thomas had always figured that he and Minho would have found themselves in jail by now - or at least far from college).


"Oh!" Minho shouted, only to be met with his friends shushing him. He grinned, and then whispered: "I'm coming too!"

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