minho one-shot

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Minho shook his head, taking a bite of the cookie

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Minho shook his head, taking a bite of the cookie. "I'm bored, let's play truth or dare." He said, but his mouth was full, so it came out more like "In bored, wess pway troof er dare."

Thomas jumped in his seat, apparently able to understand Minho. "Yes!" He cheered.

You furrowed your eyebrows, looking to the two for help.

"He wants to play truth or dare." Thomas said.

Oh. Wait... "Why?"

"Minho's bored." Newt mocked. The group around him chuckled. He smiled in return, proud of his little joke.

As it turns out, Minho isn't the only sassy one in the Glader group.

Minho gulped noticeably, and Thomas took over.

"Me first. (Y/n)," He said, and turned to face you. "Truth or dare?"

"Um..." you shuffled around in your seat. It was a lose-lose situation. If you picked dare, Thomas would probably make you kiss Minho, but if you picked truth, you'd probably have to admit your crush--which was on Minho. Not to mention you'd be known as a 'chicken'; so you decided to take dare, since you could just apologize after the kiss and make something up.


A cheshire cat grin spread across Thomas's face, which was something you wouldn't expect coming from him. You'd expect it from Minho with no doubt, but now him. "I dare you to..." Thomas scanned around you. He made eye contact with a few boys, and then looked to Minho, who was oblivious as ever.

"I dare you to kiss Min." He said. Only after, did he add the part about it being on the lips.

At the mention of his name, Minho looked up. "Who's kissing me?" He asked.

That boy some days....

"(Y/n) is!" Brenda told him, all too cheerily. She turned to you. "Right, (Y/n)?"

"Yeah, sure." You said in a meek voice. Way to be brave, (Y/n). Way to be brave.

God, Minho's sarcasm does rub off pretty quickly.

Minho looked astonished. "Why?"

"Because Thomas dared her!" Brenda said again. She looked at you and smirked. You, on the other hand, tried to avoid eye contact with the world.

"We're waiting..." Frypan prompted. You flashed him a look that said 'really? You too?'. In reply, a proud smile formed across his face.

You looked over to Minho, who was watching you. Your every move. Every awkward glance, every blush that rose to your cheeks, every time you bit your lip because you didn't want to kiss him as a dare...

But you gathered your guts and crawled over to Minho.

Sonya gasped, and hit her brother's shoulder repeatedly with excitement. Newt ignored her, wanting to see what would happen for himself. Teresa and Brenda squealed at eachother, and at Thomas, who's mouth was wide. Maybe he did think you were chicken.

But you weren't, so there you were, kissing Minho on the lips. It felt like forever, but Minho's hands eventually found their way through your hair.

"He said kiss! Not makeout!!" Frypan shouted.

Minho's hands dropped, and you pulled yourself away. The fire still burned in your tummy, and you felt more alive than ever. You and Minho panted, while staring at each other's eyes.

Soon, you returned back to reality and noticed the eyes staring into your hearts, so you whispered a 'sorry' and scurried back to your spot.

But out of the corner of your eye, you thought you saw Brenda reach over Aris and slap Frypan upside the head.

"What was that?" He asked.

"You ruined their moment!" Brenda shot.

Thomas was speechless. He looked from you to Minho and back. More than a few times.

"Someone else go... please." You said. Your courage had left you.

And so the game continued. Before long, Newt was trying to wash the taste of ketchup out of his mouth, Thomas had a dress on, Frypan had almost burned the house down from trying to cook with his eyes closed, and Gally got a new makeover.

Oh, and Brenda/Teresa could only speak in German.

It was actually a funny game. At least, until it ended.

That was when things seemed to go bad.

You were walking to your car, when a familiar voice called you. It belonged to a very familiar boy.

It was Minho. He jogged over to you, while calling your name until you stopped and turned around to look at him.

"Look, if it's about that kiss I'm sorry. It was a dare and I just--"

You were cut off by warm lips being placed on your on. They were familiar, like the ones you kissed hours ago.


It was Minho!!

Once again, the two of you pulled away breathless.

"It's okay," Minho said. "I like you too. See you at 6:45 at Marty's? Tuesday night." He asked, already leaving.

That smooth shank.

You reached to touch your lips, still feeling the tingling from Minho's own. It almost felt like...

Did he use lip plumper? Whatever.

"Date!" You shouted back to him. Wait. No. SHUCK!

"It's a date!" You added.

Minho threw his head back with laughter, and turned around to face you. He brought his hand to his head, and gave you a two-fingered salute I response.

"Date!" He mocked.

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