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Drew Tanka
-Draco would see her one day, laughing with some friends
-And boy, was he in love
-He never bought the 'love at first sight' shit until now
-But Drew liked to give him hell
-She hated him
-Until she found out that Draco didn't care what she thought of him
-At least, that's how he played it
-Until Draco angrily kisses her
-And she kisses back
-And it totally wasn't hot
-When Percy found out, things got interesting
-This is Drew that we're talking about
-Luckily, Annabeth found out about Draco's feelings before Percy found out about the kiss
-She insists that Drew likes Draco, because she "has a feeling for these types of things"
-Percy is confused like usual, but agrees to become Draco's wingman
-And so he helps set the two up
-Their first date was actually anything but awkward
-And not once did Drew bring up anything about wizards or Merlin, to Draco's relief
-Or that she used to hate his guts
-But she did decide to hint at going on a second date
-And poor Draco didn't get it......but he somehow gathered the balls to ask her anyway (he really liked the first date)
-Of course Drew said yes because she's not that bitchy
-Their second date went even smoother
-But it was more fancy
-And Draco was panicking about what to wear
-But Percy helped him with the help of Annabeth
-And soon Draco/Drew became a thing (Dracew?)
-And they talked shit about everything/everyone
-But eventually Drew asked Draco about Wizards at a campfire as it was inevitable
-She wanted to know if he knew any tricks, and what Hogwarts was like
-And Draco promised to show her when the school season came
-They did fight a few times, too, which sometimes resulted in a breakup
-But they always made up
-Usually after Draco begged Drew, which sounds really toxic, but wasn't
-He's just so in love

Percy and Annabeth
-Percy was not good with hiding his reaction when Draco told him what really happened in detail
-And Annabeth hit his shoulder
-They sat in the Athena cabin together
-If Annabeth asked nicely, Draco would let her read his textbooks for school
-Mainly the ones about history and magical creatures
-Just because she couldn't really practice magic
-But the was kinda their little secret
-And Draco being a wizard brought them closer, too

Camp Halfblood
-They're confused
-Like so so confused
-There's another mythical world?!
-With wizards?!
-Being the dumbest people on earth, that's all they'd talk about for days
-Weeks even
-Athena kids would read books about it
-As well as some unclaimed kids
-And Hermes kids would try to steal Draco's wizard stuff
-One night the Stolls actually took his wand
-And Draco was awoken by screaming, followed by a crash
-It was a long night for everyone
-But luckily Chiron allowed Draco to put everything in a safe, and keep it in the big house
-Hephaestus kids would try to replicate wands
-And/or beg Draco to enchant some of their inventions that don't work to make them better
-But Draco says no, because he knows the Stolls are waiting for him to get out his wand so they can steal it again
-And he figures it won't end well (like usual)
-But anyways, everyone else just kinda randomly goes up to Draco and asks him questions about being a wizard
-They don't care that he might be considered a traitor
-That makes him cooler to some of them
-He became really popular for a little bit
-And he'd casually bring up what he did, just to make sure he knew that they already knew
-Like if he scored a game in volleyball, and his team would cheer him on, he'd casually bring up that he's helped kill dozens of people
-And the demigods say something like, "yeah, yeah, whatever, just keep your eye on the ball"
-Chiron really was the only one who didn't give a huge reaction (minus Percabeth)
-He just kinda has a calm aura, and tells Draco that he's always be welcome to camp, and it's his home too, and blah, blah, blah
-Draco's eternally grateful for it, thoughHe seriously is constantly thanking Chiron for letting him stay
-Sometimes they'll have counseling sessions, too
-Draco loves those times
-But when Chiron found out that Draco wasn't a real demigod, he decided to keep it a secret
-They said Draco was both
-Which really helped a select few of demigods, because they discovered that they are also both
-And they just didn't know about it because their parent(s) died/their god parent never told themBut pretty much they reacted the best out of everyone
-Then the gods would somehow find out about Draco, and he'd be summoned to Olympus
-So he'd obviously go
-And the gods argued about whether or not Draco was to be punished
-Until Hermes pointed out Athena's silence
-The gods turned to look at her, and she expressed that Draco should stay, but they will keep it a secret that he isn't a true demigod
-And so they did

The Golden Trio
-Ron would have his jaw dropped
-And Hermione would definitely be scared
-But Harry would just kinda stay there, not afraid, and slightly surprised
-He didn't know why he was surprisedIt was totally expected from Draco
-But deep down, he still knows Draco is a good person
-And for some reason, it made him trust Draco more
-And Draco hated him less
-So it's a win-win
-Eventually, when Hermione and Ron got over their shock, they'd ask Harry constant questions about what being a demigod was like
-Like he'd know
-Because they were scared to ask Draco himself

-This one would be rough
-A lot of the beginning was death glares and silence
-And maybe a little bit of jumpiness
-At least until Draco decided to do something about it
-He met up with Snape after class one day, and decided to Iris message Chiron
-Just to prove that he wasn't a bad person
-Snape then refused to believe that there was another mythical world besides the one he lived in
-He's old fashioned that way
-It took a while, but Snape finally believed Draco about everything (he's not a traitor, and the gods are real)
-He started to actually offer Draco help with the kids who were scared of him
-Draco accepted reluctantly because he was sick of everyone jumping in their seats every time he moved, and slowly people started to talk to him again
-First it was the Slytherins and a minor amount of Hufflepuffs
-Then it was Gryffindors
-Then the rest of the Hufflepuffs
-And finally the Ravenclaws
-(A lot of them asked him about what it was like being 'a child' of Athena, and/or what the gods were like)
-Draco responded with telling them stories about his camp

Crabbe and Goyal
-They'd totally feel betrayed at first
-Like Draco, what the bloody hell did you do and why?
-But soon they'd understand
-Because they liked Lucius
-And they're too chaotic without Draco's leadership
-After that, they'd death glare anyone who talked bad about Draco
-And maybe cause a few fights
-They'd also ask him a lot about his life at camp
-"Does you mum know?"
-"Are there girls?"
-"Cute girls?"
-"Did you get smited?"
-"You idiot! He wouldn't be alive if he was!"
-"Are you going back?"
-"Can I come with?"
-They'd also try to stick their hands through Iris messages
-"You're friends with a centaur?!"
-But when they meet Drew, oh man
-Drew does not like them
-She thinks her boyfriend should have better friends, but soon warms up to them
-It was impossible not to love the two dorks
-So then the trio became a quartet whenever Drew visited Hogwarts

-Word about Draco's 'betrayal' to every wizard in the world gets out pretty quickly
-And while some students hurry out of Draco's path in the hallways, others ask him about Camp and what a demigod is
-But like, the majority will go out of their way to be out of his wayIt totally hurts Draco, tooBut he doesn't show it
-No. He would rather be caught dead than show it
-One day, the sleeve of his robe slid up his arm and his Mark showed
-A girl faintedDraco blushed, and quickly covered his arm, and pretended not to see it
-Of course he'd Iris message Percy, Annabeth, and Drew
-But it just wasn't the same as talking in person
-Everyone knows that
-Occasionally Chiron would appear, and that always made Draco feel a little better but it just wasn't the same
-At least until Snape helped him
-Then the majority of the people asked him about camp
-Although Harry Potter never once asked him anything
-To Draco's disappointment
-Then there would be a few wizards who found out they were demigods, too
-And they loved camp

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