newt one-shot

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(G/n) is Guardian Name

You jumped at the sound of a carn horn honking near your driveway

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You jumped at the sound of a carn horn honking near your driveway. You peaked out the window, only to find Brenda's car parked.

Oh shuck! You'd completely forgot about tonight. How could you? After all, Newt was going to be there....

No! You were going to have a fun time with friends. Not to gawk at your crush.

"(Y/n)!" Brenda's voice shouted. You glanced at her, noticing her window was down. "Let's go!"

"Sor-ry." You mumbled, sprinting down the stairs and out the door. But not before telling (G/n) a quick goodbye.

"Finally!" Brenda said, chewing on her gum obnoxiously.

You rolled your eyes playfully, and buckled your seatbelt. Brenda backed out and sped off, towards Alby's house.

A little over two years ago, Alby moved away to the rivaling town, but you two still kept in touch. Tonight, he was throwing a party. For who or what, you didn't know. Nor did you care. Honestly, all you wanted to do was stay in your house and watch movies. Preferably cuddled next to Newt in a fuzzy blanket...

"What'cha thinking about?" Brenda asked you, her signature smirk spouting across her face as she watched the road ahead of her.

"N-nothing." You said, blushing.

Brenda quirked and eyebrow, "You sure? Because I think it's something about lover boy, and-"

"No! I just... I got a lot on my mind, you know? Finals..." you trailed off. Brenda's smirk only grew. Brenda knew about your crush, and she took every chance she got to tease you about it. But even then, for some reason it was only when you two were alone, which thankfully, wasn't too much.

"So how are you and Thomas?" You asked, trying to push the topic off of you.

"Fine." Brenda responded with a shrug. She and Thomas, her boyfriend, kept to themselves a lot. Most people thought they were still best friends-until they caught them kissing in the science lab after school. That was a long day for everyone. "How are you and Newt?"

"Good, I guess. Oh look," you said, pointing to the house in front of you. "We're here!"

Brenda snorted, "Wow, thanks, shank." SHe said sarcastically, and pulled up into the long driveway, which was already littered with cars. You eyes scanned around for Newt's motorcycle, which wasn't hard to find.

It was the only motorcycle in the lot.

At the sight of it, your heart skipped a few beats. Internally, you shushed it, and opened the car door.

Brenda did the same, locking her car once both of the doors shut behind you. She strutted to the house, leaving you to trail her.

Brenda reached for the doorknob, but the it was opened before she could even touch it. Alby's face appeared, a small grin spreading. "Welcome!" He said, stepping to the side so you and Brenda could enter. A rainbow of lights flashed around you, while various pop songs played on the speakers, and drunken teenagers danced sloppily together.

Thomas sprinted down the stairs, leaping into Brenda's arms. Brenda chuckled, quickly pecking him on the lips. Thomas pouted, but soon wrapped an arm around his girlfriend anyway.

Your heart ached for something like that, but you ignored it. Why bother? There's no point in wishing...

Alby excused himself from you guys, leaving you with Brenda and Thomas.

"(Y/n)'s here!" A voice called from the living room. Minho jumped out from his hiding place, and tackled you in a hug. You stumbled backwards with a giggle. Minho pulled away quickly, his hands on your shoulders. He looked into your eyes, "Newt hasn't stopped asking 'bout you." He said with a sloppy grin.

I'm sorry?

"C'mon!" Minho said, grabbing your arm while pulling you into the dining room. You sent Thomas and Brenda a look, but reluctantly followed.


As soon as Newt saw you, his entire face lit up. "(Y/n!)" He shouted over the music, slamming his glass down on the marble counter in front of him.

"Hey!" You said, waving shyly to him.

Newt stood up, his legs pushing his chair back as he limped towards you. Like Minho, he grasped you in a tight hug. Unlike Minho, he smelt slightly of alchohol. You crinkled your nose, and pulled away. A hurt look flashed across Newt's face, but he let it go. Still overjoyed to see you.

"I'm so happy you cammeee!" He slurred.

"Uhh.. yeah. Me too." You said, raising your eyebrows. It was unlike Newt to get drunk, especially at a party as big as this. "You okay?"

Newt tilted his head to the side, like a confused puppy. His expression quickly melted into the smile from before. "I'm great, now that you're here!" he yelled. You blushed. Newt also never flirted. Especially with you.

"What do you mean?"

Newt ignored the question, "You're adorable when you blush!" He said, only causing you to blush more.

"Um, thank you."

Newt nodded his head, and hugged you again. Lighter this time. Like all he wanted to do was stay with you.

And he did. With you, the world seemed to be put on pause. There was no homework, no finals, no sports, no school, no parents. Just you. You were the only thing that mattered to him. His first thought in the morning and last thought at night.

"Hey, (Y/n)?" Newt said. His chest vibrated when he spoke.


"You won't leave me, right?"

Oh, no. You thought. You've seen enough movies to know what happens next. Please don't start crying.

"Of course not," You said, rubbing his back. You turned your head to look at Minho for help, but he was gone. You cursed in your mind, but held onto Newt and stayed silent.

That was, until he asked you a question.

"Do you love me?"

The words echoed in your brain. Do you love me?

"Of course I do," You said.

"No, no. Do you love me?"

"I..." you couldn't do it. You bit your lip, and pulled Newt away from you. Now, you stood how you and Minho stood minutes before, your hands on his shoulders, staring straight into his eyes. "What do you want me to say?"

"Yes," Newt said, looking down.

You placed two fingers below his chin, and tipped his head up so he looked at you. "Then, yes, I do. Do you?"

Newt smiled softly, "Yes, I do." He said.

"Good," you said. "Because now that means I can do this." You said, kissing him on the cheek.

Newt's smile widened, "You missed," he whispered.

You tilted your head, confused until he kissed your lips.

"Yeah, ok, blondie. Let's get you home." You said, taking Newt's hand as he giggled at you.

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