newt drabble

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f/c is Favorite Color

You woke up to a song playing about being eighteen and in love

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You woke up to a song playing about being eighteen and in love. It didn't take you long to realize it was your phone--Newt was calling. Groggily, you picked it up. "Hello?" You asked. Your morning voice really showed.

"Hullo, luv," Newt said. "Did I wake you?"

"No, no," you lied. "I was already up." You yawned.

You heard Newt chuckle from the other end of the phone, "Well alright then. Can you uh... come outside?"

You glanced out your window, watching raindrops fall. "It's raining," you said, making a face.

"I-I know, but I'm standing out here."

You looked down to where Newt stood, soaked already, waving up to you.

"You're such a shank," you laughed, waving back.

You saw Newt smile. "I know," he said again. "But I want you come down here. It's kinda lonely in the rain...."

"Okay...?" You said, rushing towards your closet to change clothes. "Love ya!" You said, and hung up the phone.

"Bye luv," Newt responded.


It was the fastest you've ever gotten ready. You sprinted down the stairs, and out the door to where Newt stood, drenched in rain.

"Hello, Newton," You said, greeting your boyfriend with a kiss on his cheek.

"Hey luv," he said. "Wanna dance?" He asked.

You raised an eyebrow, "In the rain?"

Newt smiled, "Yup. Just you and me. No music, no counting." He said.

You shook your head, taking your rain jacket off. "Yeah, sounds sweet." You said, taking Newt's hand that he reached out to you.

Newt smiled at you warmly, while he wrapped his hands around your waste. You brought yours up to his neck, which was dropping with rain. You leaned your head against his wet chest, and he rested his chin on your head. The two of you stayed like that for a minute or so, just swaying back and forth, until Newt interrupted the silence.

"You know when we get sick, I'll still take care of you." Newt said, his jaw moving against the top of your head.

You lifted your head, looking into his golden eyes. "What do you mean?"

"From the rain," Newt said.

You giggled, "That's just a myth, babe." You said.

Newt furrowed his eyebrows, "What?"

"You don't actually get sick from standing in the rain." You said.


Once again, you giggled, but this time you pulled Newt closer towards you. "You're so cute," you mumbled into his chest, now leading the dancing.

"Do you have a prom dress?" Newt asked you.

"No," you said. "But I was thinking of getting a (f/c) one. Why do you ask?"

"'Cause my tie needs to match." Newt said. "So when you for sure know, call me." Newt has never been a fan of texting--he complained about how hard it was. Really, he barely used his phone. Sure, he'd check his social media almost every day, but after that he ditched the phone for the day. He claimed them to be more of a hassle than anything. He liked to read books, play video games on the Xbox, write on paper, and talk in person, not use a phone for those things. Hell, you've even caught him reading a newspaper once in a while.

"We should run away together, after prom." Newt whispered.

"Where? We don't really have any places to go in Scorch, you know that."

"Yeah," Newt said sadly. You sensed this, and quickly recovered.

"But when you find a place, let me know and I'll go."

You felt Newt smile, "Really?" He sounded like a kid in a candy store.

"Really." you said, sighing contely.

"Ya know," Newt said. "We could get married, too. Once we graduate, I mean."

You raised an eyebrow, "Yes, we could. But if we ran away we'd never graduate."

"It'd only be for the weekend." Newt said. "We'd come back in time to finish our junior year. Then, senior year. And after, we'll get married and start a family. We'll find a small house, or I'll us build one, I suppose. But once we settle, we'd decorate the nursery, and hang your paintings around the house. Then, our children's. And every year, we'll mark their heights on the wall, and we'll grow old together while we watch our kids--"

"Kids?" Newt blushed, "Yeah. U-unless you only wanted one...."

"No, no. Kids are fine."

Newt relaxed, both visibly and not. Then, he proceeded with his fantasy. "Our kids grow up, and find their own loves, start their own families. And then we'll have little grandchildren running around the house, and we'll chase them 'round and teach 'em how to bake cookies. But when they're not with us, we'll swing on our porch, while watching the sun set with hot chocolate cupped in our hands while we grasp onto each other. And once the sun finally sets, we'll waltz together, to our song." Newt concluded.

You smiled at the idea, "That sounds lovely. But what is our song?"

Newt paused for a moment to think. "Faithfully," he eventually said.



"I love that."

"I love you." You smiled, awaiting the future, while thinking about how cheesy Newt can be.

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