thomas one-shot

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"Hey," You said, and strolled over to to Thomas, who was sitting at a table

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"Hey," You said, and strolled over to to Thomas, who was sitting at a table. Newt and Minho exchanged looks, and then glanced at Thomas for a second, and left you two alone.

Thomas gave you a forced smile, "Hi."

You opened your mouth, but immeaditely closed it. And did it again, but spoke this time. "If I don't make it through this-"

"Don't say that." Thomas snapped, surprising you.


"No, (Y/n). Don't talk like that. We're not going to make it if you act like that." He said.

You raised an eyebrow at him. "Really?" You asked. "You're officially the cheesiest pony lovin' shuck-face I've ever met." If anyone could out-sass Minho, it was you. And you repeatedly proved your points to the Gladers. And your strange add-ons to the Gladers' terminology always stuck with them. Even when you didn't.

Thomas let out a snort, "'Pony lovin"? Did you make that up just now?"

You shrugged, "Nah. Just haven't said it in a while. But it perfectly describes you, though." You joked. Thomas let out another little laugh, but his face turned serious when yours did.

"But really, I need you to promise me something."

Thomas paused for a moment, thinking. He knew what was happening, but he was going to do anything to stop it.

"Sure." He eventually said, and mentally cursed himself.

"If I don't make it out alive-"

Thomas opened his mouth to interpret, but you cut him off.

"No. Just listen. If I don't make it, I need you to promise me that you'll take care of everyone. Including Gally."

Thomas opened his mouth once again, but you had other plans.

"Make sure that Newt's not too stressed, because he gets crabby when he is, and that only makes things worse. Alby likes hugs a lot, but only in secret. Make sure that Frypan keeps food for himself to eat, too, because he forgets about it a lot. Crack a few jokes with him, too, while you're at it. He loves 'klunk humor'. Check that Chuck's day went well, and that Minho has enough blankets at night." You looked back your friends sadly, but continued. "The shuck-face'd rather freeze to death than show a sliver weakness. Make sure Clint and Jeff are together at all times. You'll need them, and they can't work alone. Gally likes his pillows fluffed, and Winston always forgets to clean up before rest.

"I don't know what's going to be next for us, or what's even out there, but I do know that you'll end up taking charge of the boys. Just don't fight Minho too much about it." You said with a smirk.

Your words echoed through Thomas's head, to all of his memories with you. Games of hide-n-seek before the Maze, you helping Thomas up from the box, and cheering him on when he tried to run into the Maze, you helping Newt and Alby with the whole "Theresa Thing", and you now, coated in bravery, telling Thomas to take care of 'your boys'.

Sure, everyone thought Newt was the one to take care of them, but it wasn't. Of course, he didn't take the credit, but people assumed it was just "him being selfless".

And it was that moment when Thomas realized that he loved you, and that the only way he wanted this to end would be with you.

Unfortunately, WICKED seemed to have other plans.


"NO!" You screamed, sprinting over to one of the boys and pushing him out of the way. Just before the greivers' spike stabbed you. You hissed in pain in response, preparing for your last battle, until the greiver retreated away. The rest followed its lead, leaving you and the Gladers to themselves.

"(Y/n)!" Thomas's voice shouted. However, Minho was closer, and he saw the look in your eyes.

It was obvious you weren't going to make it. But, that didn't stop Thomas.

You, on the other hand, were stopped. "Thomas," you said, your voice barely a whisper. "I-remember your promise." You said. Your heart beat weakened, and you knew it. Thomas knew it, too. But he wouldn't admit it. He couldn't lose you. Now now, not ever. You were the only part of his story that he truly needed. Especially after finding out everything you do for the Gladers.

But the did lose you, and that made him stronger in a way.


This was only supposed to be the beginning. It couldn't end yet. No way.

But it did, and Thomas had no choice but to move on.

So he did.

But he never forgot you. Even now, as he stared across the horizon, thinking about everything you've ever said to him. He knew you'd like it here, in the Safe Haven, but he also knew you wouldn't like watching your friends die.

Hell, no one does.

So in a way, maybe it was better like this. You, in heaven, watching over your boyfriend, awaiting his arrival with past friends and family members. Meeting his parents and yours, helping Newt find Alby, and most importantly, not suffering.

Thomas knew it, too. He knew you loved him, and that you'd wait for him until his time came. He knew deep down that this was his things should be, and that the fates will reunite you when it's time.

And he couldn't wait.

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