a dream is a wish your heart makes

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You laughed at (C/n)'s joke, and watched them do the same. Holy cow, they're adorable. You thought.

"(Y/n)," (C/n) said, suddenly serious. "I have something to tell you."

Your heart skipped a beat, but you shushed it. It's probably nothing... You tried (and failed, may I add) to convince yourself.

"Um, yeah... yeah. What's up?" You asked hesitantly.

(C/n) inhaled sharply, and forced a smile. "I... fuck." They whispered. Here it comes...

Tears threatened to moisten your eyes, but you but your lip and stayed strong. "Just say it... it's ok." You said.

(C/n) looked at you, their eyebrows furrowing like yours did seconds ago. "Hey. Hey, what's wrong?" They asked, turning their body to face yours.

"Just do it," you mumbled under your breath, trying not to let your voice break.

"Uh, what?"

"You're going to leave me, right? So why don't you just do it?" You said.

"I-no, no." (C/n) said, suddenly laughing. "No, (Y/n), it's... it's the opposite, really." You looked at them, How could they be laughing right now? You asked yourself. Are they really that cruel? (C/n) must have noticed your hurt reaction, because they pulled you into a hug. "(Y/n), I don't want to leave you. I'd never. You're... you're a wonderful person. You're smart, funny, and beautiful, inside and out, okay? I could never do that to you. I-I love you." Wait a minute. Back it up.

"You... you love me?"

"Shit." (C/n) whispered under their breath. "Um, yeah, I do." They said, playing with their fingers. "And it's ok if you don't feel the same way, I complete-"

"(C/n)?" You asked softly.


"Stop talking."


"I love you too, ya dork." You said. (C/n) visibly relaxed.

"A-are you serious?! Really? Oh my... wait, actually?" They asked, causing you to laugh.

"Yeah, actually."

"So... um, can I kiss you?" You chuckled again,

"Yeah," you whispered, leaning in.

But before (C/n)'s lips touched yours, your eyes shot open. You were back in your room, laying in your bed. Confused, you looked around. Everything was how you left it last night. (C/n)! You thought, sitting up suddenly. Where... oh. OH. You threw your head back onto the fluffy pillow(s) behind you. Fuck this. You thought, cuddling your pillow in a pouty way as you tried to resume your last dream.

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