Chp. 13

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Hey my loves, I hope you guys are doing okay and are taking care of yourselves. I want to know some thoughts you have about Chuy? let me know cause I would like to know what you guys think of him, let me know in the comments. Well I hope you guys like this chapter so without further a do.... 




Blanca POV:

I just want to go home I don't think I can stay here any longer, the food is alright... but I do prefer my mom's food. The good thing is that I'm gonna be able to go home in a few hours or right now if I choose to but my mom wants to be extra cautious so the doctor is following up some extra tests to relieve my mom from her stress. 

It took three hours as expected but once the doctor came through those doors I immediately got off the bed and went straight to the bathroom to change clothes. Once I was back from changing my mom already signed the discharge papers and so I grabbed my stuff and exited the room I was occupying. 

"Is Chuy still here ma?" I asked her while my eyes searched for him everywhere.

"He's in the waiting room, let's go check but Blanca.. wait, hmmm I respect your decision in you wanting him in your life again but let me make this clear if I see one small thing that I don't like of him, he's out ok?" she said intently and brushed a piece of my hair behind my ear and I just nodded my head.

We went to the waiting room and saw that Chuy was there but I was hoping that Oscar would be here too. It's for the best, plus I'm glad Chuy is here despite our past but I'm willing to be his friend. New friends. Old friends? 

When Chuy saw us enter the waiting room he smiled softly at my mom and at me but what I didn't realize that I didn't stop walking when my mom did. When I was in front Chuy I wrapped my arms around his waist and mumbled softly, "thank you for calling my mom."

"No problem, blancita," he said looking down at me smiling.

"Don't mess up Jesus cause this will be the last chance you'll get, ok? do it for me and you," I couldn't believe the words that came out but I meant it and I noticed that his smile beamed even more. I hope whatever message he got from me saying that, that there's a chance but one last chance I'm willing to give to him. We headed home after that, my mom and I drove in her car and Chuy in his. I'm still shock that mom was willing to give Chuy a chance but so am I, only I hope this won't be a mistake. Pulling up the driveway Chuy parked behind our car so we all got out our cars at the same time walked together up the steps to the front door. 

Once we opened the door and stepped inside we did the most common thing any human would do, we crashed on the sofa and took a breather. 


"ugh... I'll get it," I said standing up too quickly causing me to wince a little bit because of my wound and rechecked myself. 

Going over to the front door, I opened the door and Letty and Jonathon were there. What a surprise but wait till they see Chuy here, now that will be an even bigger surprise.

"hey sis, we came to visit you cause tia Juana told us you got discharged today lol," Letty said smiling brightly as her face glowed also with her growing belly which was so adorable.

"Come on in," I said smiling at them widening the door for them to enter the house but when I closed the door Jonathon had something to say next when he saw who was at the living room. 

"What the hell are you doing you here," he said already stomping over to Chuy but my mom pushed him back softly.

"Mijo he's a guest and till then respect my house por favor, gracias... Mija gracias por venir como esta el chamaco," my mom asked Letty fondly touching her small baby bump.

"He kicks a lot tia pero todo esta bien," Letty said a smile beaming talking about her son.

My mom gestured all of us to the table to eat something in which I found out that Letty had made when she was notified that I was getting discharged today and also because mom tasked her if she could make dinner for us. Letty said she would and so here is what she prepared, caldo de pollo or in other words chicken soup. 

As we sat down at the table I had Chuy on my left, across from us was Letty and Jonathan and at the head of the table was mom so from there on we ate and made small talk that is until Jonathon decided to make conversation with Chuy, this should be good.

"So Chuy how long u staying?" Jonathon asked him while slurping the soup maintaining eye contact with him.

"I would eventually have to go back to the city in a few weeks for school and work but not long," Chuy answered calmly which relieved my nerves a bit.

"You go to school?" Jonathan said surprised.

"Yes, I'm getting my degree for mechanic and I work at this restaurant which pays decently," Chuy answered with a smile on his face.

"Well, good for you... glad to hear that someone is willing to change to for my blancita," Jonathon said genuinely.

"Well I did it for her because I'm keeping my promise to her that I would do this for me, to be better for myself," Chuy said smiling softly at me and I smiled back.

"Thank you for keeping our promise Chuy," I told him while smiling softly.

"Not letting you down again Blancita," he told me with intent in his eyes.

*knocking at the front the door*

"Ill go get it," mom said already getting up from her chair and making her to the front door.

"Who could it be?" Letty asked all of us but we all shrugged our shoulders proceeding to eat. 

We all turn our heads to see Oscar entering the kitchen and I curse lightly under my breathe but his curse was louder once seeing the sight of Chuy.

"Man, not here please," Jonathon said who surprised us all. 

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