Chp. 14

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Blanca POV: 

Please god not now, why do you put me in such positions. This is so awkward.

I watch back and forth at everyone in the kitchen who's just surprised to see Oscar here. I notice that Oscar tensed up when he saw Chuy at the table eating with us but then looked at me which he calms down. (odd) I smiled softly or awkwardly at him, I don't know which facial I gave him honestly but relaxed when I saw the corner of his mouth lift slightly. 

"Glad see you back home Blancita," Oscar genuinely said giving a little head to Jonathon who nodded back at him. 

"Happy to be home, thanks," I benevolently replied to him. 

We sat around the table eating, just awkwardly so when I finished eating it was a relief to step away from the kitchen. Telling my mom that I'm gonna change into more comfortable clothes, I started heading towards my room and change. Sitting on the couch facing the tv, I just sat there thinking what I should do, Graduation is coming soon more like in a month, college, work, my future, and I got nothing. 

"you ok?" breaking out of my train of thought, I smile softly at Oscar who sat next to me on the couch. 

"Yea, just thinking," I exasperated on the 'thinking'.

"A penny for your thought?" he said chuckling.

"Umm graduation, college? My future, it's all a blur because I never thought of it until now," I said looking at the floor.

"Look, your young, very young, you have a lot of time to make decisions like that, you in no rush Blanca take everything one step at a time, like give yourself a break, you went through so much just relax and it'll eventually come to you," Oscar advised giving my shoulder a light squeeze before getting up from the couch.

"Your leaving?" I ask while standing up as well. 

"Yea, Rosa is at home and I gotta get back plus I'm not too comfortable if Chuy is here so ya later mensa," he tells me going in for a hug in which I give back.

I stepped back and nodded in understanding. Watching him leave the house, I sat back on the couch and Chuy came and sat down next to me giving me a soft smile in which I give him one back. 

Hours flew by and it was already nighttime in which Chuy had to leave. He bids us a 'goodnight' and goes off to the hotel he is staying in. Now it was just my mom and me, I'm going to talk to her about how I feel about everything. 

"Ama can I talk to you?" I ask averting my eyes to hers.

"que pasa mija, cuentame?" she softly said and turned her attention to me away from the television. 

"Just about my future, like school, work, money, and cosas asi?" I questioned confusedly. 

"Oh ok, que quieres ser tonces.. your going to graduate, have you thought what you want to do?" she asks me and I just noticed how the atmosphere turned serious real quick, scary. 

"Well I've been thinking but no tengo nada... pero una cosa que si quiero ser," I said thoughtfully.

"Aver dime?" she asks.

I take out dads little notepad that he gave me when I was little and in that notepad we wrote down what we wanted to experience. The first on the list was to travel, the second was to get a career, and the last was to settle down. I handed the notepad to my mom and we both got teary eyed just looking at the notepad. My mom looks through it and she just sniffs looking back up at me. 

"It's your decision mija, te apoyo en lo que tu quieres ser," she advised and gave my hand a squeeze. 

"If I don't complete this, I feel like I'm breaking a promise... I want to do it but if I do I want to do it after graduating like after graduation, I just get my stuff and leave... problem is the money," I said thoughtlessly. 

"Do you want to do this?" my mom asks me.

"Yes," I breathed out and looked at my mom in which my mom gave me a soft smile. 

"Ok wait here," my mom instructed and went into her room and came back 5 minutes later.

She handed me an envelope and I looked confused at her in which she just nodded at me to open the envelope. In it was a check for $5,000 dollars and a note that said:

To mi nina, 

if you choose to go through the list of we wanted to do or not here's $5,000 to start you off, be smart and te quiero mucho mija.


Wiping away the tears, I looked at my mom and she smiled softly at me wiping away her tears as well. 

"Ama you knew?" I asked her.

"I did, when you and your dad made that list, he worked so hard to get you that money," she chuckled on the last part.

I didn't know what to say but I latched myself on her and hugged her tightly. 


OK at this point I deserve to be hated, Im so sorry yall for not updating but here's a chapter, FYI two more chapters and this story is completely done. thank you for reading and supporting!!




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