Chp: 15

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*important authors note at the end of the chapter, please read!*

Blanca'a Point of View:

Things couldn't be any worse than they were now and the positions were completely in shock or frozen. That's how it was right now and I just looked at Oscar expecting him to say something.

"Blanca are you ok?," Rosa asks with worry laced in her voice and walked towards me but I backed away from her and him.

"Blanca... I'm sorry," Oscar said desperation in his eyes but I just keep stepping back trying to get away from this.

"Tell her," I said softly, tears streaming down slowly.

"Tell me what," Rosa said confused looking between me and him.

"Tell her,... Atleast do that for her Oscar," I said looking at him before glancing at Rosa.

"I kissed Blanca," He said quietly looking at her and she just stared at him.

"W-w-what?," Rosa stuttered and looked at him.

"I kissed Blanca," He said again clearer now and glanced at me but I see the tears welling up in her eyes.

Silence was the one talking now with the 3 of us just listening and breathing.

"I'm sorry Rosa," I said softly looking at her but she was still looking at Oscar.

"Oscar?," Rosa said quietly, I can hear her heart breaking through her voice before looking at me and smiled softly while nodding at me.

I just looked at the ground before turning around to walk away. My heart was thumping when I looked forward taking a step forward ignoring the burning stare behind my back from Oscar and I just kept walking. I didn't know where I was walking till I saw I ended up at the liquor store so i went in and bought ice cream along with whip cream.

ring... ring... ring...

"Hello," His voice came out tired.

"Hey...," I said quietly.

"blanca?," he said more clearer.

"Yea... how are you?," i said heading home holding the phone to my ear while the other hand is holding the bag with my ice cream and whip cream.

"i'm good, you?," he said.

"i'm good too," i said quietly.

"what are you doing?," he said.

"walking home," i said.

"this late," he said curious.

"yep... I just got home right now," I said entering my house opening the bag and taking out the ice cream along with the whip cream and sat on the couch.

"How's things with you and Oscar," he said calmly through the phone.

"He knows," I said bluntly.

"He knows!," he raised his voice in surprise.

"Yup, Cesar told him but I don't think i will ever see him for a while," i said quietly.

"what do you mean?," he said curious.

"He kissed me... i dont want to talk about it," I said in a rush.

"He kissed you?!," he exclaimed loudly through the phone when i heard a car pulling up the drive way.

"i'll call you later, my mom is pulling up the drive way, bye!," i said hurriedly before hanging up.

i sat on the couch just eating my ice cream trying to think of something else besides the kiss and was thankfully interrupted from my thoughts by the front door opening. i turned around to see my mom entering dropping her bag on the table and sat down sighing deeply.

"ama estas bien?," i said worried walking over to her.

"si mija estoy bien no mas hard time at work, dont worry," she said smiling sadly at me in which i returned.

"pero Oscar called me 5 minutes ago si estabas aqui en la casa y le dije that she should be," she said looking at me, her eyes narrowing at me.

"i went to the park, only there with Oscar when the lockdown was over... ya sabe," i told her smiling sadly exhaling deeply with my eyes welling up with tears.

"aye mija come here,"she looked at me sadly and pulled me in her arms caressing my hair soothingly letting me release my heart onto her.

"im so sorry mija,"she said in a rasp.

"he kissed me," I said quietly through her shirt.

"shhhhh," my mom cooed me letting me spill everything rubbing my back.

i stayed in her arms for so long till I pulled away and put her hand up to my face so she can cup my cheek. A few tears were falling but she wiped them away and pulled me up on my feet took me to my room, putting me under the covers laying beside me still holding me. Moments like these i cherished, no one like my mom truly knew how broken i was inside and i was terrified because i didnt know.

*the next morning*

i woke up with my arms hugging a pillow and noticed my mom left probably to work so i had the whole day to myself. i didn't plan to do anything for the day so i just snuggled up in my bed and fell back to asleep but i was later interrupted.

"Wake up Blanca," a male voice i knew all familiar said in a boom which caused me to sit up.

"What are you doing here Oscar," i said looking at him blankly.

"Come on we have to go, your mom said it's fine," he said pulling me out of the bed but i stayed put looking at him confused.

"What?... what about Rosa?," i asked him pulling myself back on the bed but he grabbed my arm pulling me forward off the bed. 

"We broke up...," he said softly looking down before exiting the room so i can change. 

i looked at Oscar confused while he left the room but changed quickly pulling my hair into a low bun and walked out ready. i looked at Oscar who was waiting by the front door that was open and guided me to his car before we both got in and drove off to the direction of the beach. 

we got to the beach in less than 30 minutes and parked close to the spot. Oscar seemed to be prepared since he brought food and drinks before setting it down. we sat on the sand in silence while we ate and i was watching the ocean calmly flow. 

"why are we here Oscar?," i asked tilting my head to look at him. 

"i just wanted to be with you but also talk about... the kiss,"he said looking at me too. 

"look Oscar i'm sorry that i got i ruined your relationship, im so sorry but the kiss was a mistake," i said quickly looking away but Oscar put his fingers under my chin pulling my head up so i can see him staring at me with those intense chocolate eyes.

"it's not your fault and i knew this was gonna happen... i dont think it was a mistake," he said softly still holding my chin up but his face was close to mine.

"Oscar... what about your feelings for Rosa?... you love her," i said still holding onto the stare.

"the kiss made me think that this could happen...," he said leaning in closer his lips close mine but I kept staring at him confused.

"we can't," i said quietly.

"yes we can mensa," he said softly.

"Blanca...," he said.

"yes," i said anxious what he's gonna say next.

"i love Rosa but... your the one," he said closing the space between us before something bright came between us.

The light and the darkness were talking right now.

Their friends now.

*Hey guys sorry for the late update but I promise the next update will be a double chapter. i gonna update on Sunday because on Friday i have a family emergency meeting so i won't be able to update but please keep commenting and voting, i appreciate all the love and support i got. Thank you! Also enjoy this chapter i know this is short, i'm sorry :( . See you guys on Sunday with the double update, Deneri.*

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