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"Oscar," her voice horsed

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"Oscar," her voice horsed.

"Don't get up," he said rushing over.

"Where's ruby ? Is he ok?" She asked worried.

"He's fine," he said sitting next to her.

"How long have I been out ?," she asked looking around.

"For 2 weeks," he said.

Blanca didn't say anything else after wards and just sat there till she saw her phone on the counter next to her. A few minutes later a doctor came in to check up on her and asked her if she was feeling alright and if she felt any pain. Blanca felt pretty good but a little sore near her chest so she laid back down just remembering what happened to her. Her eyes glossed not letting a tear escape and took a deep breathe but felt Oscar hold her hand soothingly.

"Are you ok?," he asked softly looking at her.

"I'm alive aren't I," she said grinning lightly.

"Hmm... are you really ok ?," he asked once more.

"I don't know," she said her grin falling.

No one spoke after that and her mother came in hugging her. Dona Juana has never cried so much till now but soon calmed down when Blanca told her she was fine.

A couple of days went by and the nurses and doctors checked up on her and finally decided she can go home the next day which is on a Saturday. That gives her time to get stuff for school and prepare for the questions that's soon is gonna come up to her. Dona Juana brought her clothes that she would be comfortable in and helped her change in the bathroom. While taking off her shirt leaving her with only a bra she saw her bullet wound and her eyes teared up.

"Mija...," dona Juana hugged her and consoled her while Blanca sobbed on her shirt.

After a couple of minutes they were ready to leave but Oscar was the one to pick them up because dona Juanas car was being fixed at the moment. Oscar drove them to the pharmacy first to get her prescriptions from the doctors which were basically stuff to clean her wound and painkillers. The drive was quiet mostly the 2 adults glancing at Blanca worriedly. This has been the most Blanca has spoken, that ray of shine was gone, the once beaming smile that changed the atmosphere was now a straight line no vibe to it, her once gleaming eyes that had that emotion of care behind was now empty and dark, and her once kind face was now a broken rose.

"Mija ya llegamos a la casa, you want something to eat ?," Dona Juana asked looking at her and Blanca only nodded.

They walked inside along with Oscar following behind but soon was stopped when Cesar walked up the side walk she was in. She saw him and Cesar tried to walk to her but Oscar stood in front of her.

"What are you doing here?," Oscar said harshly.

"I-," Cesar started but was cut off by dona Juana who invited him in the house.

The four went inside the house but Oscar had a stone face when Cesar was in the house the same with Blanca. Blanca stayed in her room and didn't come out till food was ready. While eating dinner everyone was quiet but couldn't ignore the tension and Blanca noticed the look Oscar was giving Cesar.

"You gonna keep staring at Cesar like that," she said popping in a chicken in her mouth while giving him a blank stare.

"He can't be here," he said roughly.

"Who said," she said sternly.

"He's can't be here, he's a traitor, santos carry out there jobs," he said harshly the last part.

"He's no traitor to me, neither to you," she said calmly staring at him.

"Then what is he to me, huh?" Oscar pushed Blanca.

"Your brother, idiota," she said harshly.

"Aye language!," dona Juana said sternly to Blanca who not once moved her stare from Oscar.

"He's no brother to me," he said sternly.

"Thank you for the food tía Juana but i think it's best I leave," Cesar said starting to get up but was pushed down by Blanca holding down his wrist.

"He is to me, some brother you are... let me guess you kicked him out when I got shot... it wasn't his fault," she said raising her voice a little.

"He can't be in santo territory." He said bluntly.

"My house isn't your territory nor is santo territory so he's staying with me," she said giving him a glare.

"Get out of my house," she said timidly and Oscar narrowed his eyes at her but left nonetheless.

Blanca release a breathe she's been holding in and turned around to Cesar.

"It was never your fault, you didn't want this," she said softly a tear falling and hugged Cesar who hugged back also tearing up.

"Where are you staying ?" She asked worriedly.

Cesar stayed quiet avoiding eye contact from Blanca and dona Juana was the first to break the silence.

"Mijo you can stay as long as you like but help around the house and look after Blanca ok?," she said softly.

"Thank you so much tia Juana," he said gratefully.

Blanca and Cesar got ready for bed but Blanca went to go check on Cesar if he needed anything and found him just sitting there staring at the wall.

"Cesar? Are you ok?" She asked walking in his room.

"I'm good, how about you? You need anything?," he said standing up walking towards her.

"I'm fine, I'm sorry that your going through this," she said softly caressing his cheek.

"I'm sorry you went through this, Blanca you got shot because of me, I don't need your apologies," he said holding her hand and kissed her knuckles while a tear rolled down his cheek.

"Cesar stop it was never your fault ok, I would at least like for you to stop blaming yourself cause it happened already let's just leave it at that," she said releasing a breathe.

"I'm sorry," he whispered and pulling her in a hug with his head on top hers.

"It's ok," she said hugging him tighter breathing in his scent.

"I missed you Blanca," he said softly.

"What would you do without me," she said chuckling and kissed his cheek before left to her room and everyone in the house were in a deep slumber.

*Hey everyone,
I know you guys might be mad at me for not updating any new chapters but lately I have been trying to focus on school. Let's be honest I got lazy and took a long break but now I'm back and hopefully I get back on my grind. Sorry to keep u guys all waiting. Please VOTE and COMMENT ! Stay safe and have an amazing day or night whoever you are lol! Love you lots!

Till next time,
Deneri T.*

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