Chp: 18

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Blanca's Point of View:

The next day was just not it, I got up from my bed and changed into something comfortable heading out to the kitchen. Cesar was sleeping in the guest room so I took this opportunity to head to Oscar's house. 

"Mija your not going to eat?," my mom said seeing head for the front door.

"I'll be back quick, I'm n=just gonna talk to Oscar about something," I said before leaving the house. I walked quickly to his house and when I got there I didn't bother to knock and barge in searching for Oscar.

The Santos saw me and nodded at me in which I did the same. They pointed he was in his room already knowing who I came for so I headed to his room and knocked loudly. I heard shuffling in the room but waited impatiently outside the door and when Oscar opened the door he was shirtless and only in his boxers. 

"Oscar who is it?," I heard Rosa say from inside his room and I looked at him who looked sorry but at this moment I didn't care anymore.

Rosa came to view and saw me outside the door, she smiled sheepishly at me. I already knew what was going on and I looked down collecting my thoughts why I came. I smiled lightly at her who did the same and I looked at Oscar who still looked at me, sorry written all over his face.

"I want to talk to you so can you meet me in the living room," I said before walking away heading to the living room. I sat down on the couch waiting for him and one of the Santos offered me a beer but I declined it. 

"Blanca why didn't you call or text me you were coming over," Oscar said walking towards me trying to pull me in a hug but I stepped back, my face blank.

"I didn't have to remember, but that is not what I came here for... Cesar," I said walking out the front indicating him to follow me. We walked along the sidewalk when we reached the park and we both sat on the grass far away from the children playing at the playground.

"He's just a teenager," I said softly picking at the grass.

"He has to do it or Latrelle will," He said puffing out smoke.

"Why don't you do it," I said back turning my head to look at him who looked at me dragging in a smoke.

"It's already ordered and that's, that... Blanca don't side against me on this," Oscar said softly.

I got up and waited for him to get up as well and I grabbed his cigar throwing it on the floor crushing it with my shoe. I pulled him down to my eye level and whispered in his ear, "You are the big brother who raised him and you want him to do something that will stick with him for the rest of his life, You would make him do this instead of protecting him, who are you?,... Also I'm already against this, you keep trying to lose me and next time it will work... Cesar is gonna stay with me till he's ready or I am but he has my protection."

I released him and for the first time in my life I stood my ground with him and kept the blank face on. Oscar just stood there looking at me when his jaw tightened and stood next to me.

"Fine," with that final say he walked away from me but I gathered myself and walked away heading to my home which I ran quickly to my house. 

I got to my house out of breathe but composed my breathing before entering and smiled lightly at Cesar who is now awake and at my mom who set up my breakfast at the table. I sat down at the table with us 3 eating quietly before i looked up and opened my mouth to say that Cesar is gonna stay.

"Mom is it ok if Cesar stayed here for a while just so things cool down," I said softly looking at her and she looked at me with her eyes narrowing confusedly.

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