Chp: 2

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"One, Two Three ! stand back!," the doctor's hard and concentrated voice boomed around the room.

beep... beep... beep...

"she's stable, good job everyone," the doctor said relieved.

Doña Juana released tears of joy when her daughters heart started again and thanked god for not taking the only person she loves in this world. Oscar released a relieved sigh and pulled in doña Juana for a hug chuckling.

"That's my girl," he said smiling and Doña Juana chuckling as well.

Both of them went back inside Blanca's room and checked if she was fine or if she even made the effort to move or wake up.

Days passed, day after day, night after night, soon it became weeks and everyone was growing anxious if she will ever wake up but no one lost hope. Oscar was getting agitated by the minute and no one could control him not even Rosa. Letty was getting bigger and growing anxious as well but tried to stay calm for the sake of the baby. Johnathon prayed every night that his little cabrona will wake up so he can fight her for scaring and worrying him but to help him pick out a ring to propose to Letty. Poor Doña Juana never left her daughter's side, her work understood what was going on so they gave her vacation till everything settled but she tried to make her daughter's stay comfortable as possible. The squad always came everyday if possible to leave her, her favorite flower which was a lily flower and spent time with her talking about their day at school.

It was finally November and thanksgiving was right around the corner. Oscar decided to spend it with Doña Juana at the hospital and made turkey to go with some side dishes to take for them to eat with Blanca. That thanksgiving was very special to both Doña Juana and Oscar because they felt as ease talking about the past and old memories. No one shed a tear but everyone still had the hope that Blanca will do something to make sure that she is alright.

"I remember when Blanca first sang to me," Oscar said.

"Mijo that niña has been wanting to sing to you for a while now but with the things going on before everything happened you are her number 1 and best friend... That's why she never wanted you to know that she saw you more as just a friend or anything because she knew she would of lost you if she did and that was her biggest fear," Doña Juana said softly smiling at him weakly.

"I'm such an idiot... I can't be who she wants me to be and I don't want her to get involved with me especially of who I am," He said sorrowful and looked down.

"She never wanted you to be someone who you are not... Blanca fell in love with you of who you are not what she wants you to be, she knew what she was getting herself into and my poor niña suffered so much knowing that not having you is ok because she has you regardless," she said sternly.

"I wish i could love her back...," he said quietly looking down at the creme floor.

"Then don't, she never expected anything from you as long as you are with her and have her back then that was all she ever needed... Mijo you can't change the past but do what your heart tells you as you live in the moment because look how time flew by fast for me and I lost the greatest best friend anyone could have had," she said tearfully smiling softly.

Oscar didn't say anything but held on to Doña Juana's tiny body and released a tired sob from his messed up family that put him through so much responsibility and a heavy weight of package on him. The fact that his best friend isn't waking up and for once scared that he was that close to losing her that he even thought he might lose himself as well.

The next day, was pretty normal nothing much happened but Rosa was getting impatient about Oscar not paying attention to her or them. Rosa took it up her sleeves to go to the hospital to take Blanca flowers and hopefully to see Oscar. When she got to the hospital, thankfully saw Oscar there and Doña Juana there talking and smiling, and that's what hurt her the most because she never once had time to be like that with Oscar to comfort him or make him feel better. She put on a fake smile and entered the room Blanca was staying in and both the adults saw it was her.

"Rosa what are you doing here?," Oscar said his eyebrows furrowing.

"I came to see Blanca and to give her these flowers," Rosa said smiling slightly looking at him.

"Gracias Rosa," doña Juana said smiling softly at her and got the flowers from Rosa who handed them to her.

"De nada," rosa said softly and the tension in the air grew thicker.

"Ummm, orita vengo Im gonna get a vase so I can put these flowers in, Oscar te encargó a Blanca," doña Juana said smiling slightly at them and left.

"You haven't been home," Rosa said bluntly.

"I've been here not like I'm doing anything else," Oscar said oblivious.

"Oscar u only come home when it's santos stuff and to eat," Rosa said her tone strained.

"Rosa i have to be here for doña Juana and Blanca, understand that," Oscar said sternly.

"I understand, but what you need to understand that I'm not your homeboy or your putas that u can put to the side where they can wait, I'm your girlfriend I miss you and I want to spend time with you. I left you alone for a while now I feel like I got no one at the moment, the house is quiet and nothing to do," Rosa said tiredly.

"You are my girlfriend and this is my family who has been by my side, the one who helped me be who I am, their the ones who helped me when I had no one not even my parents and most certainly treated me if I was their blood so don't tell me I need to understand where u are coming from because that girl in that bed is my best friend and sister who I grew up and raised along with her mother, I'm the one who is the brother of the guy who couldn't finish a job so she's here because of what he should of done so if I you are my girlfriend you would be here with me next to me and support us while we wait for some miracle and not be at the house doing nothing hoping I will come home," Oscar said harshly looking her in the eyes.

"Hmmmm..." a faint sound came from Blanca.

*hey guys :) I KNOW I KNOW you might be upset with me for not updating but I've been sick and working on this other piece of story but here I am more organized I hope but here it is !!!!! Hope u enjoy, and as always VOTE and COMMENT !!!!! Please spread positive feedback and positivity everywhere!

Deneri T.*

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