Chp: 7

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"BLANCA!," I open one of my eyes and try to look for my digital clock. When I caught the time, I sprang out of my bed and rushed to my bathroom turning on the shower. Stepping in and washing my hair and body all at once quickly then getting out of the bathroom I ran to my room only in a towel. Not looking out I slipped and fell on my ass but arms picked me up. Turning around I saw it was Cesar who picked me up who had an amuse expression in his face. I gave him the middle finger while rushing to my room and picking out my clothes that was closest to reach. I was just wearing one of my dads jerseys and some ripped jeans that I don't like but I don't have time. I have 5 minutes left so I hurried and walked out of my room with my backpack while combing my hair which was still wet.

"Mija apurale o vas llegar tarde."

"I know ama, I'm leaving peace, Cesar let's go!"

Walking quickly and picking up the pace Cesar followed in step. I love sweating, yay. Looking at the time I started to slow my pace as I saw that i will get to school on time in less than 10 minutes. Taking a deep breathe and exhaling I hear Cesar chuckling and I hit him upside the head in which he yelps and massages the spot I hit him.

"You should early now."

"Thank you captain obvious."

"What's going with you?"

"Nothing just tired I guess."

He didn't say anything else afterwards and we just kept walking in silence. The sun beaming down at us I put my hair into a low bun and wipe off the sweat from my forehead with the back of my hand.

"It's a good day, feels nice."

"Yeah... I wanna ask you something."

"Sure what's up?"

"Do you... you wanna go on a date with me?"

I stopped in my tracks and looked at him before I started to continue to walk. Why was the time going by slow. But I just stayed quiet.

"Cesar I can't, I still haven't told Monse about this, us."

"Why do we have to tell her anything about us."

"Because she is our friend and your ex girlfriend."

"Look... Blanca she made her choice."

"Her choice about you two but not about our friendship."

We didn't bother to talk after I said that and also because we got to school. Just sparing a glance at each other we went our separate ways. Walking to class has to be one of the few minutes I can actually collect my thoughts. During those few minutes I couldn't keep lagging to tell Monse on what's going on. I know our friendship is on the line because I went out of line and Cesar did too. They have history and I'm just hurting but I actually care about Cesar. Pulling out my phone I texted my mom saying I wasn't feeling well and it was best if I went home. She texted back saying it was ok and that she will call Letty to pick me up.

During second period they called me up to the attendance office already knowing I'm going home. Seeing Letty at the attendance office was a relief.

"Bye dona Alba."

"Ready to go comadre."


The drive to her house was quiet but I felt her glancing at me from time to time but I would just reassure her with a small smile. She grabbed my hand as to reassure me that everything would be fine but I just couldn't shake it off. We got to her house pretty quickly since there wasn't traffic. Stepping inside I see Jonathan and Oscar in the living room . Jonathan looking over at the door to see who came he smiled widely when he saw me.

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