Chp: 19

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Blanca's Point of View:

The sky seemed to be cheerful today or the clouds seemed to ran away from the blazing hot sun but the wind was soft and i was enjoying it. I'm laying down on the grass in my backyard with my eyes closed enjoying the soft breeze and the sun wrap around me. I loved this feeling of not being bothered and just being comfortable on the ground enjoying nature's finest.

"Blanca! Mija! Te llaman Ruby!," I heard my mom yell through the back door to enter the backyard and I just sighed opening my eyes adjusting to the brightness.

I got up and dusted the dirt off from my jeans, walked back inside the house to see Ruby there standing and smiled at me when he saw me. He came over to hug me and later opened his mouth to speak.

"How are you?," he said, both of us sitting on the couch.

"I'm alright, how about you?," i said drinking water from the bottles my mom brought us.

"Im good but stressed over this quince... hey I was wondering if you would like to help me plan this quince?," he asked desperate in his eyes.

"Yes I would love to," I said accepting.

"Thank you so much!.. Ok the color theme will be pink and the rest should be over the top but not too much," he said clearly relieved and i just nodded my head at everything he was saying.

It took an hour for us to discuss about the planning for the quince and he left to continue later even tho we have a week to get everything sorted but we'll make due since patience is key. LAter on the day when I was laying down my bed scrolling through instagram when a pic of Rosa and Oscar came onto my feed and just sighed smiling sadly. My phone rang afterwards and i answered seeing it was Jamal.

"Blanca can you come to this flower shop?," he asked through the phone frantically.

"I can't but I'll stay on the phone with you, whats going on ? anything new with the rollerworld money?," i asked hurriedly.

"I think we're almost there but Blanca... so many lockets," Jamal said tiredly.

Right after he said that the call ended and I tried calling back but he wouldn't answer. I called Monse to call Jamal to see what happened and to tell me later what was going on. Once I'm back to being bored and in the house till I got another call but this time from Johnathon and I huffed before answering.

"Maria's orphanage you make em, we take em," I said through the phone laying down on the couch fanning myself with a paper plate since it's been getting hot.

"Shut up pendeja, aye we coming over to pick you up to go to the beach and I already told your mom and she said it's fine," he said clearly prepared and hanged up before I said anything back.

I groaned, got up, went to my room, put some clothes in a bag, changed into some legging shorts and a loose pastel yellow T-shirt, put on sun block and waited in the living room. I also packed a bag of chips, a water, and 2 sandwiches cause I know I'm gonna end up getting hungry.


I heard honking outside signaling me their here so I left the house not before locking it down and got in. Letty is already showing and it's so cute to see the little family that their gonna have.

"Hey sis," Letty said glowing turning her head to smile at me.

"Hey, how are you guys," I asked them adjusting my bag beside me.

"We good Mensa but baby boy keep bouncing," Johnathon said with a smile on his face, they are really happy and these moments I savor up.

"It's a boy?," I said softly a wide smile forming on my face. They nodded their heads smiling softly before looking at each other.

No words were said we were all silently celebrating through our eyes, smiles, and our excitement. The drive took about an hour because of traffic but we got there eventually with another 10 minutes to look for parking and then head to find a spot.

Sitting down on our towels I was laying down with a beach umbrella set up beside me to cover me from the sun either way I had my sun glasses on and eating my sandwich when someone moved the umbrella a bit making the sun hit me. I sat up and looked who did and noticed it was Oscar and Rosa who came and started sitting down next to us. I smiled softly at them before adjusting the umbrella and laying down again eating my sandwich again.

"Come on Blanca we're heading to the water," Johnathon said. My eyes were still closed, I'm still eating and I opened my eyes to look at him.

"I'll go later, I'm not done eating my sandwich," I said smiling.

"God damn how many sandwiches you have," Johnathon said jokingly.

"2," I said simply before laying down again not bothering to close my eyes but look at the blue sky above me.

I noticed that Rosa and Oscar went into the ocean and were playing around with each other. I sighed deeply and turned away to see Letty looking at me sadly. Johnathon went back to the car to get another towel since he forgot to bring his.

"Smile... today is a happy day hermanita, don't let them affect you today," Letty said smiling a little bit at me.

"I'm not, I'm just relaxing," i said back reassuring myself and not her.

Johnathon came back and noticed how quiet it is between us and decided to take Letty for a walk along the shore. I stayed behind when I got a call from Chuy so I answered it.

"Hello," I said laying back down.

"Hey Blanca, how are you," he said happy.

"I'm good and you?," i asked back.

"I'm good too, anything new?," he said hearing him eat what I think are chips since it's something crunchy.

"Nope same old same old," i said popping the 'p' in nope.

"Blanca don't get lame on me now," he said jokingly.

"Me?! Your the lame one remember!," I said chuckling.

"And your the goofy one remember," he said chuckling softly.

"Of course I do," I said softly smiling fondly.

"I miss you," he said quietly.

"I do too," I breathed out.

"Thank you," he said.

"For?," i asked confused.

"Just not giving up on me," he said softly.

"Hmmm," i said humming.

"I'll talk to you later I'm with the fam and if they find out I'm dead," I said chuckling nervously seeing them come back to the spot.

"For sure, bye," he said and I hang up tucking my phone away in my bag before they saw I was using it.

"Blanca your not gonna get in the water it's nice and cool," Rosa said to me smiling.

"I will, thanks," I said back smiling.

I never once looked at Oscar, I couldn't. I then got up and breathed in deeply taking my phone out of my bag and head to the water. I took a snap of the ocean and post it. I then walk a little more in the ocean so it could reach my knees when I feel someone lightly push me forward. I turn around to see Oscar their chuckling before I hit him lightly on the arm.

"Can we talk?," he said looking at me and I just took a sharp breathe in.

*hey guys sorry for the very late update. I've been very sick these past days and I felt very much like dying and I'm so sorry for those who I kept waiting but I hope this update clears that missing update. I know this chapter is calm and I did it like that because it's my last day at school, I passed all my finals/classes, and most of my friends are seniors so I had to say my congratulations and 'see you soon' and 'stay safe'. I never say goodbye because one day or some how we'll see each other again. Sorry for this paragraph but hope u enjoy this chapter!!! COMMENT and VOTE!!!! Thank you to those who keep supporting me! Love you guys and till next time, Deneri*

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