Chp: 6

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"Please say something..."


Cesar and I looked at each other worried and anxious but turned our heads to Jamal who let out a loud screech. Face palming himself, Jamal then gestured between us with his wiggling finger as in initiating if we kissed and Cesar and I only nodded our heads sheepishly.

"When, how, why, and when."

"It was on Friday, we went to this party out of town to get a break from all of this and it just did... I don't know how but it just happened."

"So your telling me that you went to a party without us??"

"Well.. it was more like a rave-"


"And it was all last minute we would of brought you guys and would your parents have let you come with us that exact day?"

"Your right but take us next time please."

"Wait so you guys are cool with whatever is happening to Blanca and me?"

"I mean yea at least you didn't wait for a year to tell us then that would have been different but I appreciate that you take us into consideration and our friendship."

"We were kind of shitting ourselves on how you guys were going to react."

"At least you didn't keep this a secret from us, Blanca your too honest to keep this from us, somehow you were gonna rant to us sooner or later.. remember therapist Ruby?"

"Oh yea."

We all chuckled at the last comment and smiled at each other till there was a knock at the door. I got up to check who was at the door to see Oscar there who invited himself in. I followed him through the living room where he spotted Ruby, Jamal and Cesar seated on sofas and kinda motioned with his head signalling them to leave us. When the living room was cleared and it was just the two of us he cleared his throat.

"How you been?"

"Good, you?"

"Good too.."


"Is Cesar behaving?"

"Yes... what are you doing here Oscar?"

"Uh-... I-"

"Want water?"

"No... I just wanted to check on you."

"I'm fine but is that all you wanted to say?"

"... I miss you."

"Oscar... hmm I miss you too but I can't."

"And why not?"

"You kicked out Cesar from his own home."

"Is that even the reason?"

"Yes it is."

"Nah... I'm sorry for everything I've done to make you hurt but I want my mensa, my friend."

"When Cesar is back at his home, with no hate on him then I'll be back but don't count on it."

"You care so much for him, are you sure it's just you protecting him or is it something else... more than protecting."


"There's something more, isn't it?"

I couldn't look at him but looked at my black carpet that I suddenly found more interesting instead of this conversation. Fingers rose my chin up so I would look at dark brown eyes but instead of feeling it as Oscar's I imagined Cesar who did the same recently. I took a step back and Oscar shook his head taking steps back starting to walk to the front door.

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