Chp: 6

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Blanca Point of View:

The blankness is a shut down for something or like how its originally defined in google as 'Total lack of emptiness, hollowness, or meaning'. This was mainly a short shut down for me like STOP... okay snap out of it but sometimes things are more heavier than what they seem. I sometime's like to think that the universe is after me or just doesn't like me, to be so shitty at me.

"I wanna go home," I said getting up and wait for Oscar to get up who does shortly after I do.

Me and Oscar head to his car and get in without exchanging word's, those line's kept repeating in my mind and I couldn't breathe. I started shaking and I feel nothing around me. Two hands grab me from the shoulders and force my head to look in their direction.

"Breathe! Blancita breathe!" Oscar's worried voice tell's me.

"Aye look at me... in and out ok, in and out," Oscar say's helping me get my breathing back to normal and I have a scared look on my face.

"When?" My voice lost it's confidence.

"Yesterday," He said softly.

"What am I going to do, the restraining order only lasted for so long what if he... he... he," I started to lose my breathing but Oscar shook me out of it and told me sternly, "He will never come near you, remember I promised that night I will protect you from him."

"Yeah but when I'm alone what am I gonna do?" I said looking hopeless.

Oscar pulled out something from the cabinet in front of me in the car and saw it was a blade. He hold it out for me, waiting for me to grab it but I knew myself that I couldn't bring myself to that limit.

"Take it Blancita, you'll have something to protect yourself when I'm not there," He said looking at me intently.

"I can't... Oscar you know if I end up in these situation's I wouldn't be able to go through it, please don't," I quietly said looking back at him.

"Just take it... You don't have to use to it but carry it with you," He said putting it in my hands.

I didn't say anything else but put the blade in my back pocket and headed back home. The car ride was quiet as usual but tense since the whole news was out and everyone is on the edge waiting for the 'BOOM'. I felt Oscar take few glances my way but I didn't pay attention, I just put my attention out the window watching tree's pass by.

"Blancita it's gonna be okay," He said trying calm my nerves.

"I hope so," I said seeing we got to my house and I climbed out waving 'bye' to him.

When I got inside I see my mom drinking a modelo beer on the kitchen table and when she saw me enter, she smiled softly at me. I sat next to next her and she put her arm's around me and held me close. These moments were very important to me but it broke my heart when this is what my mom needed we both missed dad so much, we are completely lost but sometime's we are lucky to have each other and cherish the memories we make.

"Ma estas bien?" I asked concerned.

"Don't worry about me mija but yes I'm okay," She said with a sad smile.

"You want some," She offered the beer to me.

"Ama... Since when do you let me drink beer," I said shocked that she will offer.

"Mija come on I'm not stupid I know you know how beer tastes like and plus I would know when your with Oscar el te ofrece to drink some and you do so... Also I'm telling to drink a little from mine it won't do anything to you," My mom said looking at me sternly but I just smiled at her chuckling and took a sip from her beer.

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