Chp: 24

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Blanca's Point of View:

"Blanca we're gonna take pictures, come on," Monse called out for me and ushered Cesar to come over as well.

Cesar and I hurried over and got ourselves in position to take a picture with Olivia. After that one by one we took a picture with her and I told Ruby to take a picture of me and Cesar, Jamal, Monse and then he handed the phone to Monse so she can take a picture of Ruby and I. We took 2 hours taking pictures and I got tired of standing so I sat down eating a hot dog when I got a call from Latrelle.

I got up quickly and walked somewhere private to answer the phone and answered.

"Hello?," i said quietly.

"Hey Blanca," he said happily.

"What's up," i said quietly looking around me.

"Why are you talking lowly!," he asked.

"Latrelle I can't right now, I'm at a party with my friends," I said hurriedly.

He hangs up and didn't say anything after I said that in which I just looked at my phone and rolled my eyes before releasing a sigh of relief. I walked back to the group and noticed that a limo was waiting and Olivia called me to go inside the limo. Turns out her parents sent money to get that limo for her so we all got in and Jamal connected his phone to the aux cord and blasted music in which we ended up having a good time.

Olivia chose to cruise around so that's what we did and really had a good time when we saw we got to the Ruby's house aka the party destination. We all got out of the limo and started heading inside and barely people were there so I decided to go help. I helped prepare the tables making sure it had everything it needed when I saw a table without napkins and went back inside the house to grab some when I bumped into someone.

"I'm so sorry," I said chuckling looking up to see it was Rosa and I smiled at her.

"Ah it's fine, I'm just a bother here in the house, I went to use the bathroom but you look so pretty Blanca," she said smiling widely at me.

"Its fine and you do too Rosa," I said smiling before grabbing the napkins from the box that was in the kitchen.

"Well I have to go out these napkins on a table," I said showing her the napkins.

"Of course! I'll go with you let's go," she said and we both walked out the house to the back.

I put the napkins on the table and gestured for her to go grab a drink. We got our drinks and sat down at a table close to the dance floor. It was quiet between us and the only we heard was the dj playing some corridos.

"Sorry if I'm making this awkward," Rosa said chuckling nervously.

"No your not, I am," I said chuckling looking down at my horchata.

"Can I ask you something?," she asked looking at me.

"Sure," i said curiously.

"Did I cause you and Oscar to drift apart and if I did I want clarify things I didn't mean to cause any trouble between you guys and I see how much that dumbass loves you and so protective... what I wanted to say I'm sorry for being in between," she said releasing a deep breathe when she finished talking and I just looked at her.

I grabbed her hand and pulled her along with me to talk outside in front of the house but a little farther away from the entrance to the party.

"Rosa I really would like to talk about this but not here it's my friends party but now that you bring it up it's better then later cause I know I will never say anything. Look Rosa it's not your fault... I distanced myself because he's with you and I didn't want to disrespect your guys relationship so I did this, don't apologize," I said smiling slightly at her reassuring her it's okay.

"Are you sure?" She said softly.

"100% now let's go back and have fun because this party needs to be more lively don't you think?," I said grinning at her before we both walked back to the party.

For the past 4 hours we've been dancing and then we sat down to relax for a while when I saw it was dark already and the moon was out. Everyone was enjoying the party and didn't see Olivia or any of fam besides Cesar and Monse who are cuddled up together. I grinned internally and excused myself to Rosa telling her I'll be back and sneaked up behind Cesar and Monse in which i scared them when i said "boo" behind them.

"So it's official now huh?," I said grinning at them in which they both smiled amusingly to each other.

"Olivia broke up with me because she knew I didn't have feelings for her," Cesar said smiling lightly and I smacked him upside from the back of his head.

"Your dumb you know that right but I'm relieved you guys are together," I said smiling softly at them and left them alone walking back to Rosa who smiled at me when she saw me coming back.

"Everything good?," she asked me.

"Yea," i said smiling feeling happy that everyone around me was happy.

I watched Cesar and Monse enjoy themselves together, Ruby is with Olivia and it seems that everything is going fine.

"Blanca your phone is ringing," Rosa told me and i looked at my phone to see jamal calling and i answered.

"Why aren't you here??," i asked him curiously.

"Blanca I know where the money is at," he said breathlessly.

"Where are you? I'll go," I said hurriedly.

"No you stay... I found it!!!," he said happily and then clicked on me.

I smiled to myself and felt so happy and very calm. I pulled Rosa to the dance floor and saw the whole squad come on to the dance floor when the song "changes" came on. Ruby was dancing with Olivia, Cesar and Monse are dancing who knew she would actually dance, and everyone was so happy.

I caught someone behind the bushes and saw it was Latrelle and he motioned for me to stand out of the way but I panicked and looked back to see Ruby capture what was happening. Ruby was behind me, Cesar pulled Monse behind him but everything happened so quick and too quick for me to understand what was happening.

"BLANCA!!!!," i heard Rosa yell and then slowly i looked down to see blood on my chest.

I fell down and choked on my blood, Rosa was talking but I couldn't hear anything and Cesar and Monse were next to me suddenly but my vision was blurring.

"I-I-I... P-P-P-promised," i said weakly and it was hard for me to keep my eyes open.

"BLANCA!!! Mija your gonna be ok I promise... CALL 911!!!,"


I couldn't anymore and everything was dark again.

"Mensa you took so long," he said and I smiled widely.

*HEY GUYS!!!!! Here's another chapter and hope you guys enjoy !!! As you guys noticed this is the end of season 1 of on my block but don't worry season 2 is coming up as well so hold on tight cause it's gonna be a rollercoaster. BE PREPARED :) 24 chapters writing this and I never thought I was gonna reach up to 14k readers and I wanna say THANK YOU SO MUCH AND LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR YOUR SUPPORT!!!<3 don't give up and keep going forward ! And as per usual pls VOTE and COMMENT!!!!
Till next time,
Deneri T.*

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