Chp: 17

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Blanca P.O.V.
I got friends who I can hang out with and not be alone but right now it seems like I have no one to hold me or hear me out at this moment. When all they want is for me to listen to the other person; there was an open chance for me to leave but not abandon them.

Oscar was the only one who holded me and heard me out even when I didn't talk, he heard my thoughts cause he knew me that well and maybe that's my fault for letting it happen cause I knew better.

I should of taken a sweater but honestly I couldn't be in that room for too long. I walked back to the direction of my home with my arms wrapped around me to try to keep me warm but the fresh air kept hitting my body sending chills.

I walked up the steps to the front door before breathing in deeply and entering to find everything the same but everyone left. My mom was on the couch watching tv and when I came to her view she stood up and hugged me.

"I'm sorry mi niña," my mom softly said in a rasp cradling my face in her arms before pulling me into another hug.

"It's fine ama, like u said it was good in some way," I said softly smiling reassuring her.

"Ok," she whispered and pulled away reaching for the remote to the television and turned it off.

We both turned off all the light in the house, locked the doors, and headed to our rooms before saying goodnight.


I didn't have the energy to put something on cute besides I was gonna spend the day with Letty since she wants me to help her pick out some clothes for the baby. We don't know the gender of the baby yet but I'm rooting it's a boy as well as Johnathon. When I headed into the kitchen my mom looked at me and made me change so I look presentable. I just changed into a T-shirt with some jeans and sandals. I heard the honk outside and bid my mom a goodbye before leaving.

"Hey biotch," Letty said chuckling at me.

"Don't hey me! U know what time it is ?!?!! Freakin 7 de la mañana is u crazy!," I yelled partially because I love my sleep and she came in between that so fuck you Letty.

"Shut up, besides the good stuff are in right now at the swamp meet," Letty said scoffing.

"Can u at least buy me a churro?," i said leaning my head towards the window.

"Yes... now shut up and put music on," she said handing me the aux cord before driving off the swamp meet.

When we got there we paid for our entrance and started to look at things that are not even baby related. Here goes the distraction ughhhhhhh! We spent like 2 hours here walking around buying stuff and I eventually bought a pair of shirts here so it's a win win.

"Letty let's go home! I'm tired already," I whined at her who looked at me and exhaled deeply.

"Ok I think we did enough shopping, let's go," she said and we walked out heading to the car.

"We're going to my house first for a bit and then Johnathon can take u home," she said glancing at me if I was ok with it and I nodded at her signaling it's fine with me.

We got to her place and let me tell u this, this is the first time I've seen the her house so clean like I applause to you sister. We both headed to the kitchen when we got to her place and started heating up left overs.

When we were eating Letty was letting me know the daily chisme on what's going on with everyone, don't ask how she knows cause I don't either.

"Did you know Cesar and Olivia are dating," she said while shoving a spoonful of frijoles in her mouth.

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