Chp: 22

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Blanca Point of View: 

"hija de su madre," I cursed under my breathe when I got a paper cut.

I was at Ruby's house helping the family out to get the decorations ready for Olivia's quince which is in 2 days and everything was in havoc. Ruby was sweating sending orders, Monse was helping the family as well with the decorations, Jamal was probably looking for more clues on Rollerworld, Cesar was running around town tagging walls and I'm here inspecting my cut on my finger that had blood coming out so I ran to the restroom to clean my cut and put a band aid on.

I got out of the bathroom and went back to work with the decorations but i got a text from my mom telling me that she wants me home already seeing i spent the whole day at Ruby's house but nonetheless I called it night and bid my goodbyes to everyone. Once out the door Ruby's mom, Dona Jenny stopped me saying if I wanted a ride home but I declined wanting to walk home. My house to Ruby's wasn't that far and I just thanked Dona Jenny for the offer and said my goodbye to her and walked off to the direction of my house. 

I passed by Oscar's house to get to my house faster but walking by I didn't look at the direction of the house and kept walking. This time no one stopped me and i was relieved but I spoke too soon when someone grabbed my wrist and turned me around to face them.

"Hey Blanca," Latrelle said grinning.

"Hi Latrelle," I said softly releasing my wrist from his grasp.

"Your lap dog ain't here to walk you home?," he said chuckling.

"No, what do you want ?," I said keeping my tone calmly.

"Come on Blanca, just want to talk to you," he said walking beside me.

"Latrelle I have to go home, another time," i said quickly hoping my house will appear.

Latrelle stepped in front of me and I tried to side step him but he blocked me not letting me walk forward so I just sighed and looked at him.

"Please move out of the way, I need to get home," I said calmly and a bit scared.

"Why don't you talk to me then, we could be friends," he said softly leaning close to my face but I stepped back a bit so we wouldn't get too close.

"Latrelle can we talk another time, i really have to get home, plus your on Santos side, they can shoot you right now, please go home and we can text if you want to talk and we'll see from there," I said softly hiding my hint of fear.

"They don't even know I'm here, you worried about me?, but ok, we'll text," he said still blocking my path.

"Can you please move then?," I said softly looking at him.

"Tell your friend lil spooky to watch his back," he said and left me there thinking it over on who is lil spooky but connected it to Cesar and with that thought I ran home in time for my mom not to yell at me. 

I entered my house out of breathe and my mom smiled at me. I smiled back and went into the kitchen to grab a water bottle before saying goodnight to my mom who was doing paperwork. I head into my room and put on my pajamas ready to lay down. Once in bed I got a message from Cesar.

Why was Latrelle seen with you, word got spread and the Santos are livid -Cesar

Nothing and what did you do to tell me to tell you to watch your back? What did you do? - I sent

He pulled a gun at me and later I did too but I couldn't do it and let him go -Cesar

Let me guess Oscar? -I sent

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