Chp: 10

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Blanca's Point of View:

The warm water was very soothing to me and sometimes I would take my time relaxing my muscles and my head when the warm water touches my skin. 30 minutes later I got out of the shower and changed into fresh clothes. I checked my phone to see a text from Johnathon saying he will be here in 10 minutes so I hurried up and didn't bother doing my hair which I never do. I went to the kitchen and grabbed a banana to eat for breakfast and headed out the front door to see Johnathon pulling up in front of my house. I got in and put on my seat belt while eating my banana which got taken away from Johnathon.

"Hey that was mine!" I groaned and then smiled.

"You could have shared though but you just kept eating it and didn't offer me... Rude," He said the last part under his breathe.

"Still mine," I said jokingly.

"Any plans tonight?" He said taking a glance at me.

"I'm pretty sure Letty told you but we're going to Oscar's kick back," I said.

"I know...," He said and then chuckling.

"I hope it's a good day today, it has to be, it's Friday," I said taking a glance at him before looking outside the window seeing we're close to the school and started to get my things to get out of the car.

"It will be, aye be here pronto cause Letty said to take you back to our place so you guys can get ready... Oh and Letty told your mom you will be sleeping over so your covered," He said winking at me and I got out chuckling before waving him bye.

The school day went pretty good, I hanged out with the squad for lunch and talking about the Halloween plan. Afterwards 5th period went by alright besides me getting annoyed at the teacher for always talking but whatever and 6th period was the best it was a period full of laughs but that didn't last long when I got a text from him.

Tonight ?

The message said and I just took a deep breathe typing Time ?

Midnight ?

Ok, park.

I typed back still looking at the message.

My heart was beating fast and it wasn't the good kind. I clicked my phone off and like that my mind was going in circles about what he wanted to talk about or what he wanted and what I would say or do. The final bell rang indicating for me to go home and walked out the gates savoring the wind going through my hair and my face. I saw Johnathon waiting for me and saw Oscar a few feet away looking at me in which I looked back smiling softly and got in Johnathon's car letting out a deep sigh.

"Damn what happened?" He asked looking at me driving to the direction of his house.

"Teacher's," I lied.

"Mhmmm... I will be at the kick back but be safe and careful," He said glancing at me and I just nodded.

We got Johnathon'sand Letty's place which is an apartment and it's filled with Santos there. We got out and started walking in the apartment with Santos sitting outside smoking and they nod at us in which Johnathon nods back and I smile softly at them. Walking up the stairs to their door was Letty leaning against the door frame and when she saw me, she pushed Johnathon away and hugged me tightly. I stuck my tongue out at Johnathon who also stuck his tongue out at me before heading inside the house with us pulling away chuckling and heading inside the house. It is 4 o'clock and we still had enough time so me and Letty just started preparing food for the 3 of us. We decided to cook carne asada since Johnathon has been craving it and in the middle of cooking my mom called me.

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