Chp: 21

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Hello, usually my author notes are at the end of the chapter but clearly it's important if I write this. So my true intention was to keep going with this book and see where it get's me in the beginning but now for the past couples of weeks I've been thinking on ending this fanfic on the second season of 'On My Block'. The reason I'm writing this is to tell you guys that I do have other stories that are in process but not much it's spend on because of this fanfic, don't get me wrong this fanfic was my first story to ever have published kinda but i won't go into that.

This Fanfic literally helped me in so many ways but I want your guys opinion if I should continue on with this story. I'll continue writing it if you guys would want me to but I also will be writing other stories which I'm gonna get into. The new story that I have in the process is a fantasy that involves magic and other crazy things, I'm still exploring but would also like to know if you guys would support me on my next story or future ones. I would really appreciate it if you guys support through this and I've been wanting to write a fantasy book since I first downloaded Wattpad I believe in 6th grade.

So please let me know your thoughts about this and I will take anything into consideration or hold on to. Thank you to everyone who has supported me throughout this story and please continue to spread positive feedback :)

Enjoy this chapter and as always VOTE and COMMENT!



Blanca's Point of View:

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Blanca's Point of View:

Things didn't matter as they once were and rather choose the easier route to it because the challenges are too complicated to go through but some go through them and grow from it, learn from it or hate it. 

Jamal and I have been sitting on the floor of the entrance till I pull away and pull us off the floor to stand. I chuckled but Jamal had the look of pity but I choose to ignore it and head to his room to discuss about Rollerworld. His parent's weren't home, he said they went on a date night so we had till 8:30 to discuss everything before they come and for me to run home as well.

"Don't look at me in pity," I said quietly not looking up from the board wall in his closet that had all of our thoughts, leads, and clues. 

"Like what? I'm not giving pity," Jamal stammered but sighed in the end and gave my shoulder a small squeeze as a reassurance that everything will be fine. 

"Thank you," I said quietly smiling at him and from there we talked about the new clue he got.

It took us 20 minutes to figure out the clues before I checked the time and bid him a goodbye quickly seeing it was 7:40 pm. Once out of the house my house from Jamals was short if I took the normal route instead of the long way but seeing the time I went through the normal route in which I'll pass Oscar's house. Halfway there I started walking and checked if I had my pocket knife that Oscar left for me when he got taken away, I walked quickly to get to my house quickly with my pocket knife in my pocket ready at any time. 

I saw that I was close to Oscars house, all the Santos were outside chillin and I also noticed Oscar and Johnathon were outside as well but I started to panic because Johnathon was gonna ask what was I doing out late and where I went. I fasten my pace and kept my head down crossing the street to be on the opposite of Oscar's house and I kept my head down before I heard Johnathon yell out my name. 

I crossed the street again and smiled tightly at him before I saw the look on his face whih was the look 'what the fuck you doing out'  and all I said, "Mom let me out." 

"She did this late? Aver donde fuistes?," He asked suspiciously.

"To Ruby's," I said nervously.

"No you didn't Ruby's house is on the other street so where were you?," he asked one more time timidly.

"I went to Jamal's," I said exhaling deeply not looking at him.

"For? Does your mom even know you went to his house?," he asked and I stayed quiet to confirm his question.

"Even if I said what I was doing there, you wouldn't believe what we are doing and as we I mean the squad," I said quietly so no one will hear but us two.

"Look I have to go my mom is gonna hit me because I'm late," I said now panicking.

"I'll go with her, her mom won't get mad if she's with me," Oscar said appearing from behind us and I just avoided looking at him.

"Alright for sure, make sure this cabrona get home though," Johnathon said chuckling before ruffling y hair and walking back to the Santos.

Now it was just the two of us and I sucked in a breathe before walking forward sensing Oscar is following behind me and I don't dare look back. It was quiet and awkward as well but I continued walking when I feel a hand grab my wrist but I don't turn. I fist my hand that was grabbed and yanked away and walked more faster to get to my house quickly.

"Blanca," he said softly and this time I turned around to see he is smoking with a little grin appearing.

"Serious?? You're so bipolar... please stop, I'm done," I said tiredly and saw my house coming into view when my mom is sitting outside on steps and get's up when she sees me. I can tell she's mad but that changes when she sees Oscar. 

When we got in front of my mom I smile nervously at her but she gave me a look that said 'vas saber hija de la chingada' and I started topanic from the inside.

"It's my fault I made her stop running to talk to me because we got into an argument but we cleared it," Oscar said smoothly and my mom smiled.

"No esta bien mijo, gracias por traerla a casa," my mom said smiling softly.

"Thanks Oscar," I said softly before my mom and I walked inside the house and I released a deep breathe.

"Aver dime what do you think que ya te mandas tu sola o que?," she said mad and I looked down.

"I'm sorry ama it won't happen again," I said quietly and looking up at my mom who then dragged me to the couch making us sit.

"I don't buy what Oscar told me that you guys cleared up whatever fight you guys had so dime," she said softly.

"Ama at this point I think this could be it where we both go our separate ways and live our own life," I said sadly and a tears escaping but I wiped away and took a deep breathe.

"Mija... everything is gonna be fine and you'll see, primero dios," she said softly kissing my cheek before getting up.

"Ama can I stay outside in the backyard for a bit, I won't stay up too long," I asked her not looking at her but ahead of me and she just nodded confirming I can.

I walked out to the backyard and plucked a rose from the rose bush we had and holded tightly in my hands not noticing the blood drawing out from the thorns pricking my skin. I stayed like that and sat on the ground looking at the stars and released my tiredness.

I kept looking at the stars and smiled sadly at them as if they were smiling at me too.

"I miss you," I whispered into the air and my eyes closed.

A tear escaped and this time it was free.

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