Chp: 8

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(the song Blanca sings for her dad)

Blanca's Point of View:

The dark space in mind was something I expected to see, it was a room for myself to blur out my thoughts but in there I'm just this speck alone just floating waiting... just waiting for some sort of light or color. Cliches don't really work for me if anything it's a cringe but honestly I was waiting for some sort light or anything that wasn't dark to give me that little hope if it's okay but all I got was darkness and that was okay cause I like the dark.

Beep.... Beep... Beep...

I fluttered my eyes open slowly trying to adjust to the brightness in the room and noticed I was in the Hospital. I groaned just rubbing my head with my hands, I sat up carefully, and yawned; my mom was sitting on the chair beside me and Letty is sleeping on the other chair with drool going down her arm. I looked over to see the clock on the wall and saw it was 10 in the morning and saw my phone was on the counter, I reached over to see that I had missed calls from the squad, messages from Oscar and a miscall from an unknown number.

I heard a groan coming from my mom and she opened her eyes to see me awake; she immediately came over to me and hugged me tightly.

"Ma I need to breathe," I said muffled by her hair.

"Sorry mija, you need anything? Water?" My mom quickly rushed over to bring me water and handed it to me.

"Thanks ama but what happened?" I asked confused.

"You fainted in the car because you were dehydrated and haven't eaten much," Letty said now awake and looked at me worried.

"Mija why haven't you been eating?" My mom softly said.

"I have eaten... but I think I was too distracted to eat some days, but I'm ok," I said trying to assure them.

My mom only nodded not convinced but I know I wouldn't do this to myself, I really need to stop these roller coaster emotions.

"When can we go home?" I asked showing a toothy grin at them.

"When the doctor says it's fine to leave and that your ok," My mom said heading out to look for a doctor already impatient to go home. It was just me and Letty in the room now and Letty came over engulfing me in a huge tight hug.

"I'm ok Letty," I said softly hugging her back.

"I know but I got scared when you got here but you were sleeping for a full day so when you were stable enough I got in Johnny's car and drove over to spooky's house and slapped the bitch," She said grinning.

"Letty! She didn't do anything," I said shocked but started wondering how pissed Oscar must be.

"I don't give a fuck but she made you get here so of course I was gonna slap a hoe... But I'm glad your doing fine now but don't forget to eat and drink water girl," She told me softly holding my hands and she raised my head to make me look at her indicating that I should always have my head held up high.

"Wassup bitches!" Johnny said coming through the door grinning from ear to ear carrying a teddy bear and balloons and handed them to me.

"Hey Johnny," I said chuckling at his behavior.

"How are ya," He said looking at me serious now.

"I'm doing good now but I'm sorry to cause you guys to worry so much," I said looking down.

"Nah sis you good don't apologize but don't over stress yourself," Johnny said pulling a small smile.

With that being said my mom and the doctor came in with papers which I believe to be the discharge papers but before getting discharged the doctor came by me to check if I was alright to go and I was. In the car it was me and my in the front and Johnny and Letty in the back; we were driving back to the house but with Johnny and Letty arguing with which song to put since they have the aux cord but I got irritated.

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