Chp: 1

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Hey, you guys ! How are you guys doing ??? Well I'm back and better than ever but here's the FIRST chapter for season 2 of OMB fanfic!!!!
Hope you guys enjoy it and as always,
Till next time,
Deneri T.

Hey, you guys ! How are you guys doing ??? Well I'm back and better than ever but here's the FIRST chapter for season 2 of OMB fanfic!!!!Hope you guys enjoy it and as always,Till next time,Deneri T

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"I was convincing my mom to let me go with you to the beach idiot," I said to Oscar.

"What did she say ? Can you?," he asked persistently.

"She wasn't gonna let me go but I convinced her but only with one condition that you talk to my mom cause she wants to talk to you and to be back home before 8 pm," I said accordingly what my mom told me.

"Alright where is she ?," he asked grinning at me and I pointed the direction where the kitchen was.

I watched Oscar walk in the house and I kept looking around me sensing someone is calling me but I don't know from where.


Blanca can....

Wake up....


I snapped out of it and saw Oscar getting out of the house and smiled at me which I returned a smile back. He grabbed me by the shoulder and dragged me to the car grinning. I chuckled by his odd behavior in which he does a lot ever since we both met cause he told me that I give him angst to squish me cause I was small. But I told him wait on it I'm not gonna be short forever grinning.

Oscar point of view:

Everything was so quiet, no one moved a single god damn bone in their body. I just stared at the floor and felt something roll down my cheek and wiped it off to notice I was crying but immediately wiped it off and walked out of the hospital in a hurry.

"Are you fucking serious?!?," i yelled and punched the wall behind me and sat on the floor at the back of the hospital.

I just kept my breathes fast and rough out of anger. I closed my eyes and felt tears running down my face but I keep wiping them away.

"Mijo?," a weak voice called out to me but I knew who it was and I couldn't face her.

"Mijo, cálmate todo va estar bien," she said and felt warm arms wrap around me and pull me towards them; just like that I couldn't hold it in.

"She's stubborn, she won't go away that easy...haha but she's gonna be fine," doña Juana told me soothingly but I know that she also hasn't let go as well so I cradled her in my arms and she sobbed.

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