Chp: 13

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Blanca's Point of View:

The cool air hit my face looking at the moon with the accompany of my shadow friends who are close to me in this dark silence night. I'm waiting for anything besides blankness but now it's just a blur. That's new but a step forward at least, no one knew where I am or if they even notice I'm not home.

3:36 am

Is the time I went out to find the silence within but still the inside silence is a blur. Just like the tears that want to come out. It's been 3 hours being out in the silence.

Who's gonna stop the silence for me?

No one.

Huh? It's just me.

Always has been.

I didn't want to leave the blurry silence yet but before I had to leave I stepped into the middle of the street road, I made the silence more blurry with my scream. After breaking the silence I walked back to my home. Taking the silence with me since it follows me everywhere.

10:09 am

I woke up, taking a shower, get dressed, eat breakfast, and watch tv. I had nothing to do today so I just decided I would spend it alone re-watching 'The Vampire Diaries'. In the middle of every 5 episodes my phone would go off but I ignored it not wanting to be bothered.

It's a me day.

My phone kept ringing but I didn't pay attention since I put it on silence so I can watch the show with no interruptions. The day is going pretty good so far but my eyes were puffy since the show get's you so attached at the sad moments or happy ones.

The phone kept vibrating, I groaned getting up from the couch and checking to see who is it.

Cesar is calling...

"Dave's crematorium you kill em, we grill em," I said through the phone.

"Blanca !! Why haven't you been answering?? Oscar has been worried something happen," Cesar said out of breathe.

"I'm fine and I'm doing a marathon of watching The vampires dairies. Tell him to chillax," I said calmly through the phone wanting to get back to the show.

"He wants to talk to you because people are talking about hearing someone scream in the middle of the night but they said it was a girl so....," Cesar trailed off.

"Oh... That's weird but tell him I'm not home," I said before hanging up.

I'm still on the couch watching the show when I got a message seeing it's from Letty.

I'm coming to pick you up, be ready sis.

I didn't bother to change so I just waited to hear a honk outside.It took her 20 minutes to get here but eventually she got here and picked me up. We headed to her house seeing Oscar and Johnathon there drinking beer but looked up when they saw me and Letty enter the house. Johnathon came over hugging me tightly whispered he missed me and I just hugged him tighter placing a kiss on his cheek. Oscar and I hugged before I headed to Letty's and Johnathon's room laying on the bed to relax for a moment. After 30 minutes of being in the room I went back outside to the living room to see Letty setting up the table so I went over to help her with the rest.

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