Chp: 12

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Blanca's Point of View:

Today is Halloween and I was looking through my closet the whole entire school day, my mom let me stay home for the day since it was Friday. I totally can't find anything to wear as a costume so I had to wear one of my old one's from middle school but 15 minutes later I found the angel costume that didn't fit me at the time and saw it was a little long, nothing that I can fix.I trimmed some of the silk of the costume and tried it on to see it fit alright but at least it made me look alright.

I'm pretty sure I was running around the house like a weirdo but honestly today was a day for me to actually enjoy and have fun with my friends who I haven't seen in weeks besides Cesar. I checked the time to see it was 5:30 so I had enough time till the sun went down to get ready.

Be ready at 7:30.

I saw the text that Monse sent me while I was curling my hair and moving onto makeup which I kept it natural since it is an angel costume so I obviously had to look pure and 'natural' lol. I realized I had only 30 minutes so I finished my makeup within 15 minutes and headed to the kitchen to eat something before I left.

Abuelita gave us a lift to Brentwood hinting me and Jamal about Rollerworld in what we were supposed to get. Monse tagged along with us and Cesar, Ruby, and Olivia went there own way while we went to a ladies house who we think has some information about Rollerworld. We were looking for her house and found it but Jamal dragged us all the way inside the house kissing ass to get eased in, in what he could find. In my opinion I felt like we should of asked her and I was correct but that resulted in Monse and I getting advice from her and honestly I think I might use it.

Jamal, Monse and I rushed out of the house heading to go look for the other guys but found them running towards us which made us 3 look at each other panicked.

"RUN !," Ruby yelled and saw eggs flying towards us and we ran away from the spot.

Turns out some rich white boy got snobby about some juice and wanted to be a little asshole about it so he attacked them with eggs. I was about to go back but they grabbed me preventing me from going and Ruby told Jamal to get an Uber but he didn't budge.

"I took care of it," Cesar said cutting us all off but I knew who he was talking about.

We went back to the house they were egged from and saw a cracked up joke of a gangsta white boy in front of us.

"You want some more... Oh you think you are hard," the rich guy said.

"I'm not but he is," Cesar said moving aside.

Oscar pulled up behind us and looked at me but looking back at the guy who was shaking in fear now. He got in his face and licked his thumb showing the scared guy his teardrop wasn't fake and wiped his off.

"This shit real," Oscar said lowly.

"What do you want?," The guy said.

In the end we got a lot of candy and Oscar drove us back home dropping them off at their house but I asked him if he can take me home.

At the house

"Your not gonna invite me in?," Oscar said behind me when I unlocked the front door.

"Call Rosa if she's fine with that, I don't want problems," I said back looking at him smiling a little bit.

"I texted her and she said it's alright plus that she don't control me and trusts me," Oscar said walking towards me.

"Then, come in," I said opening the door stepping in waiting for him to get inside before closing the door.

"Don't make a mess I just cleaned," I said sternly heading to my room changing into something comfortable and brought the makeup wipe remover with me to where Oscar was at the living room.

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