Chp: 9

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Blanca's Point of View:

The car ride home from the school was very quiet, my mom just gripping the steering wheel and taking glances at me but I just stayed blank there was nothing at that moment in what I should feel and I just froze like a freakin statue.

"We're here..." My mom said softly and we both got out of the car heading inside the house.

"You okay to sleep in your room by yourself?" My mom said concern laced in her tone.

"Yeah..." I said softly heading to my room changing into my pajamas and turned off the lights; laying under the covers didn't assure me safety but it did comfort me and like that I fell asleep.

In the morning, I did my usual routine and got picked up by Johnathon who didn't say a word but smile softly at me in which I returned the small gesture back. The school day was normal as it could be just show up to classes, do work, and go to another class. After school I was waiting for Johnathon to pick me up who was lagging but kept busy with my phone.

"Anita," A deep voice said from behind me and I froze knowing that voice too well.

Quietness is what I heard next just breathing and I turned around slowly looking at the person in front of me who grinned lightly at me.

"Hey," He said looking at me his hands in his pockets of his sweater.

"What are you doing here?" I said softly.

"Just saw you and see if I came by and say hi but... Maybe not such a good idea.... You sounded amazing at the concert... As always," He said smiling.

"Thanks..." I said quietly.

I heard a car door slam and felt arms pull me back gently putting themselves in front of me. I noticed it was Johnathon and he was not happy cause he had a blank face staring at Chuy.

"What are you doing here foo," Johnathon said looking at Chuy with me behind him.

"Just came to say hi to Anita," Chuy said casually.

I pulled Johnathon back and started to drag him to the car. Once in the car me and Johnathon looked at each other with a look of worry but shrugged it off and headed to the direction of my house.

"You okay? Did he do anything?" Johnathon said all in a rush checking me.

"Yeah, he didn't do anything," I said looking outside pulling out a bag of hot cheetos that was in back pack.

"I didn't expect him to be at the concert," I said unexpectedly.

"Me niether... I thought he would show up at the park or something," He said looking at the road.

"We gonna tell Oscar?" He said taking a glance at me.

"No..." I said softly.

"He could help," He said.

"I said no... Johnathon I want to fight this on my own this time, I can do this," I said firmly.

"Ok... I got your back lil sis," He said smiling softly at me.

"Thanks bro," I said smiling gently at him.

We pulled up to my house noticing a red impala in the drive way knowing it was Oscar and me and Johnathon exchanged a look of concern knowing the outcome of this. I headed inside the house closing the door behind me and see Oscar on the couch drinking a pepsi and turned around to see me putting my stuff away.

"How was school mensa?" He asked coming towards me to hug me and I just hugged him back lightly.

"I'm fine..." I said sitting down on the couch and drinking my water and Oscar sat next to me.

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