Chp: 20

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Blanca Point of View:

My favorite color always has been natures color. They somehow held a sense of calmness but edginess where there's a little of destructiveness. I guess this is what seems to sum up my life and the world around me because in every calmness there's the destruction waiting in the middle or with a surprise. 

I cleared my throat and looked at Oscar, "Not here, it's nice day," I summarized what Letty told me earlier.

"Then, we will never talk," He said with a sigh in the end looking at me expectantly. 

"I promise we will talk but not right now, after Olivia's quince?," I proposed in the end with a small smile.

"Ok then, I'll wait," he said before kicking the salt water at me and I gasped at how cold the water is.

"Oh it's on Spooky," I said while splashing him making the salt water go a little bit in the mouth.

"That's how you want to play, huh?," he said threatening walking towards me and I started walking backwards before running away giggling. I felt him grab me by the waist swing me over his shoulders and throwing me in the water where it's not too deep but enough to get me soaked head to toe.

"You asked for it," I said pulling him in from his arm that was still hold me and he also got soaked. Both of us were laughing when we noticed how close we were but I moved away quickly standing up and pulling him up with me. 

When we were fully standing I stepped back and caught me off guard by hugging me tightly, this time I didn't pull away but hugged back tightly closing my eyes. The hug was cut short when I realized we were not planning to pull away so I did and phone started to ring. I looked at my phone to see it was Jamal calling me so I answered.

"We might hit jackpot," he said breathless.

"Have you been running a marathon or what, but serious??... Listen I'm almost gonna go home but I'll come over to see the new clue," I said heading back to where everyone sat and Johnathon mouthed 'We're going home' in which I nodded getting my stuff together with the phone still next to my ear.

When Jamal and I finished talking, I had my things packed up when everyone was looking at me. I raised my eyebrows questionably. They shrugged their shoulders and we all got our stuff already walking back to our cars. 

"Your mom called?," Oscar said walking next to me.

"Hmm, no it was Jamal," Is all I said walking through the sand with my sandals.

"About?," he asked curiously. 

"Nosey, and nothing important," i lied about the last part.

"You I can tell when your lying," he said firmly.

"It's confidential," I said bluntly.

"Mmmm sure... You guys have something going on," he said once we reached the cars and I almost choked on my saliva.

"No, like I said it's confidential," I said and I opened the door of Johnathon's car to get in before Oscar put his hand on my shoulder causing me turn around to look at him.

"You trust me?," he said softly.

"Of course," I said with a small smile and he just nodded closing the door for me once i entered the car and I just watched him walk to his car. 

I don't know if I can or should

Later on we stopped in front of my house and bid them goodbye and a thank you for taking me to the beach. I went to go see my mom before i showered and tell her if i can go to Ruby's house to continue with the preparations for Olivia's quince. When I finished showering I noticed it was around 6:30 pm so I had enough time to do the things i needed to do so I went into my mom's room and layed beside her.

"What do you want?," she said not looking up at me from her phone which she is playing bubble crush or something like that.

"Puedo ir a la casa de Ruby to talk get the preparations over with ruby, please ama?," i asked half begging.

"Son las 6:35 pero te quiero aqui rapido," she said looking at me and I smiled before leaving the house in a run to Ruby house.

When I got to Ruby's house I was breathless and in short 15 minutes we got everything together and i bid them goodbye before running out the door and run to Jamal's house. Half way running there a red impala was next to me and I saw Oscar in the car with Rosa in the passenger seat. I slowed down but didn't stop y fast walking but turned my head to look at him.

"Hi," I said with a smile but i was catching my breathe in reality.

"Where you going?," he said with his brows lifted.

"Somewhere," I said bluntly before running again and made it infront of Jamal's house to be stopped by Oscar who I didn't know was running behind me as well.

"Who's house is this?," he asked curiously.

The door opened to see Jamal and he looked between us before closing the door again because he saw Oscar. I looked expectantly at Oscar impatient and just breathed in deeply.

"Oscar may I help you?," i said calmly.

"What's going on?," he said tiredly.

"Nothing and honestly it's not any of your business but can you please leave, I have to do something for the fam and don't ask me what it is cause I can't say," I said all in one breathe and he just looked at me with a surprise look and guilt consumed me.

"Oscar-," I started to say but Oscar cut me off.

"No your right and I think you avoiding me is for the best," He said sternly before turning around but I stopped him before he could walk away.

"No! You have no right to walk away from me because remember when I tried to walk away from you, you stopped me so you made your decision... I'll do it this time for all of us," I said looking at him before turning around my eyes welling up with tears but I holded them back.

"We will still talk, I'll keep my promise but after that don't talk to me or find me or talk about me cause I did this for us," I said sniffing and knocked on Jamal's door in which he opened and smiled sadly at me. I heard a car speed down the street and I knew he truly did let go. Jamal them rushed to me holding me before i broke out a sob and we both sat on the floor with me crying and Jamal holding me.

*Hey guys sorry for the late update but here you guys go hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Please COMMENT and VOTE!!!!!! thank you guys for supporting me :) and till next time, Deneri.*

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