Chp: 5

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The very next day after yesterday's party, we got home at 3 in the morning, and both Cesar and I didn't utter a word to each other but hurriedly walk to our rooms and stayed there till morning, today.

"Blanca, umm your mom is calling us to go eat breakfast."

I laid there on my bed, wide awake just staring at my lamp, and just hummed. I got ready that morning and gave myself a pep talk in my head before I walked out of my room. I took a deep breath and opened my door to see Cesar there waiting for me.

"Let's go."

Walking ahead of him I picked up my pace and saw my mom sitting at the dinner table smiling at us softly in which we got over the phase we were in and smiled back at my mom.

"So como los fue?"

"It was really fun."

I looked at Cesar confused in which I nodded my head agreeing with him and shoved the bacon my mouth to keep me distracted. My mom just nodded her head and started to clean her plate as she prepared everything she needed for work. Once my mom left for work the kitchen was quiet and neither of us spoke till Cesar coughed to get my attention.

"We gonna talk about it?"


So much in the dark that the light that was hidden has ignited and felt his breath fanning my lips as he was bending down near my face.

"What about Monse?"

"She made her decision."

He quickly captured my lips with his and we kissed.

It was smooth and warm that you didn't want it to end but you had to.


"We kissed"

"Do you regret it?"

I looked at him smiling weakly and said, "Does it make me a bad friend that I didn't regret not any of it."


"Do you regret it?"

"Not once."

We both smiled softly, got up and started to clean. While cleaning we both kept glancing at each other before I exited the kitchen in which he was cleaning and walked to the living room and tried to make the place tidy as possible. Once done I got into thought and guilt bumbled inside me in which I put my head in hands letting out a deep sigh.

A finger lifted my chin so I was looking at the soft brown eyes in front of me.


"Cesar we fucked up."

"... what are you worried about?"

"Monse, Oscar and you."

"Look Monse broke up with me, I have feelings for her but yesterday.. that was amazing and I loved every single second that I was with you, Oscar made his decision as well... Blanca you mean everything to me but he will never choose you, I'm sorry that it had to be this way but you have to start being a bit more selfish to your happiness... no guy will be worth it for you but maybe it's time you get to be happy for you."

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